‘A strong blow’: Gianluca Vacchi reveals his baby was born with this common defect

Gianluca Vacchi and his girlfriend Sharon Fonseca are over the moon about the birth of their daughter, Blu.

The 53-year-old bon vivant documented the 25-year-old’s pregnancy and even posted videos of them dancing in the hospital while she was in labor.

The couple recently revealed in an interview with Hola that there was a slight complication with the baby: Blu was born with a cleft palate.

The Italian magnate, who has a mega-mansion in Miami Beach, admitted it was a “strong blow for both of us” to see the birth defect.

A cleft palate occurs in utero, when the tissue in the roof of the mouth does not join together. It’s a fairly common issue: According to the CDC, roughly one in every 1,700 babies is born with cleft palate in the United States.

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The girl will undergo a corrective operation to tighten up the muscles inside the mouth.

“The doctors have explained to us that once the problem is corrected, she will be able to lead a completely normal life.”

Vacchi also said they are going to try to help others with this condition and plan on getting involved in organizations like Operation Smile.

“Thank God she looks more like her mother,” he joked.