Struggling with hair loss, thinning? Here’s how microneedling with plasma can help

Hair loss and hair thinning are common concerns among both men and women, affecting an estimated 80 million Americans. Until fairly recently, few effective hair loss treatment options were available. However, medical technology advances and research have led to a wider range of options for hair loss and thinning.

One such treatment is microneedling with PRP, or platelet-rich plasma. Take a closer look at how microneedling with PRP works and how it can help reverse and slow the progression of hair loss in men and women.

What is microneedling with PRP?

Microneedling is a popular skin treatment that works by creating tiny micro-injuries within the skin, using thin needles. This triggers your skin’s natural healing and cell rejuvenation process, stimulating collagen production.

PRP is derived from your own blood and contains a high concentration of growth factors, which aid in the natural wound-healing and cell renewal process. Once the microneedling is done, PRP can be applied to the skin, where it can easily penetrate to deeper layers.

Hair loss treatment and results

While there are many types and causes of hair loss and hair thinning, all stem from a problem at the base of the hair follicle. Microneedling with PRP is able to target the hair follicle directly, stimulating cellular repair and encouraging hair regrowth.

While you may notice an improvement in hair thickness and texture in just a few weeks after microneedling with PRP, it can take three to six months to see noticeable hair regrowth. Repeat treatments may be needed 1 to 2 years after initial treatment to maintain your results.

Bottom line

Men and women experiencing hair loss or thinning can be good candidates for microneedling with PRP. The sooner you’re able to start hair loss treatments, the more effective they can be. Always seek microneedling treatments from a medically trained professional to ensure your safety and optimal results.

Dr. Leslie Baumann
Dr. Leslie Baumann

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