Stuarts Draft resident says parental choice should be to support our educators: Letter

What is the next step for the parental choice movement? So-called choice movements are the living legacy of “choice” fights against Supreme Court education rulings in the ‘50s. As explored by the Virginia school of political economy, these “choice” movements built a foundation for minority rule in opposition to the political will of the people.

What was once the playground of disaffected extremist intellectuals and special interest business groups has found a new home in the hearts and minds of Valley voters. Unhappy even in victory, a Valley resident threatened violence against her local school system this past week.

In her outburst, this resident demonstrated the true endgame of parental choice: not freedom to make our own collective decisions, but freedom from all forms of government by any means necessary.

It has been said that no man is an island. Our choices are not for ourselves alone, because our choices affect our neighbors. Some choose tantrums and violence, because it is easier to destroy than to build. These would-be vigilantes imagine themselves the hero of the story. Instead, the true heroes are the faculty, staff, and others who provide a healthy and safe learning environment for students on a daily basis. Our choices should instead be to support those doing the hard work of education.


Stuarts Draft

This article originally appeared on Staunton News Leader: Stuarts Draft citizen says parental choice does not benefit education