The student-loan forgiveness application will cost the US government nearly $100 million per year to process, Biden's Education Department estimates

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  • The Education Department estimates the student-loan forgiveness application will cost nearly $100 million per year.

  • The costs come from servicer processing and borrower support, among other things.

  • Borrowers just got a first look at the application that should become available later this month.

Creating the student-loan forgiveness application isn't cheap, new documents show.

On Tuesday, President Joe Biden's Education Department released the first preview of what the application for up to $20,000 in student-debt cancellation will look like. It lives up to the "simple and straightforward" nature administration officials promised. Borrowers will just need to enter five basic pieces of information, including their name, social security number, and email address, confirm the information they provided is accurate, and submit the form.

But despite its simple nature, there are costs to creating and implementing that application. In a submission to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) last week, the Education Department broke down the costs of the application form and estimated that until March 2024, when the application will no longer be active, it will cost $99,900,000 per year.

That's a result of "costs related to development of website forms, servicer processing, borrower support, paper form processing and communications related to this effort," the department said.

While the application form will close December 2023, the additional months account for the extra time borrowers will have to submit any needed income verification documents. The cost of student-loan forgiveness has long been an argument Republicans have used as to why the policy should not be implemented, and to counter some of those claims, Biden placed a $125,000 income cap on the relief to target it to lower earners and mitigate the costs of the whole program.

But the application cost could support points some Democratic lawmakers made prior to the debt relief announcement, in which they suggested the relief be made available to all borrowers without any means testing. With regards to the full cost of debt relief, the Congressional Budget Office estimated it would cost $400 billion over 30 years. While Republican lawmakers used that number to slam the policy, Democrats said it shows how influential the loan forgiveness will be for millions of borrowers.

"Today's CBO estimate makes clear that millions of middle class Americans have more breathing room thanks to President Biden's historic decision to cancel student debt," Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Chuck Schumer said in a joint statement last month. "We don't agree with all of CBO's assumptions that underlie this analysis, but it is clear the pandemic payment pause and student debt cancellation are policies that demonstrate how government can and should invest in working people, not the wealthy and billionaire corporations."

While Biden is moving forward with the implementation of the application, regardless of its costs, a judge is hearing arguments on Wednesday on whether it should grant Republican-led states request to halt the relief because it would hurt the states' revenues, among other things.

Read the original article on Business Insider