Students at Iowa public universities face 4.25% tuition increase for 2022-23. Here are the details.

Editor's note: The regents unanimously approved the proposed tuition and fees for the 2022-23 academic year at a meeting on July 27. 

Increased tuition rates at Iowa's three public universities are once again on the horizon for the 2022-23 academic year.

The outline of proposed tuition rates — including a 4.25% increase for resident undergraduate tuition at all three schools — was presented at a 25-minute virtual meeting of Iowa's Board of Regents on Monday. The regents are scheduled to take final action on the rates in July.

Monday's meeting included comments from student government leaders at the University of Iowa, Iowa State University and the University of Northern Iowa. They called on the state Legislature to increase funding for their schools in order to defray tuition rates that have been steadily rising for years.

This legislative session, the Board of Regents requested $15 million in additional funding over the previous year in order to support higher education operations. Instead, the universities received $5.5 million for fiscal year 2023, or an increase of 1.1% compared to the year prior.

In fiscal year 2022, the regents institutions received $486 million, an equal, or "flat" sum to the year before. In 2021's fiscal year, the state allocation was $7 million less than the year before.

A Board of Regents document outlining the tuition rates for the coming year says tuition could have increased 6.7% without the recent state funding for 2022-23.

The Board of Regents charged with overseeing Iowa's three public universities are looking to raise tuition in the 2022-23 academic year.
The Board of Regents charged with overseeing Iowa's three public universities are looking to raise tuition in the 2022-23 academic year.

More: As tuition is set to rise at Iowa universities, questions linger about who is to blame

Student leaders address rising tuition

Five student leaders from Iowa's public universities spoke about the tuition rates during Monday's meeting. Though they took turns addressing the regents, themes surfaced in their comments about the impact of the additional costs on students.

Rachel Sorensen, vice president of the graduate and professional student senate at ISU, said her concerns automatically go to the "(graduate) students who are struggling to get by" when hearing about the tuition increases.

"We are having departments shut down. We're having students not be able to get funding in the summer. We're having students who are actually homeless in the summer, and they're trying to raise extra money at this point to pay their tuition," said Sorensen, who said she is homeless this summer.

Patrick Johnson, president of the UI undergraduate student government, told the regents he was speaking to "represent over 20,000 undergraduate students ... each of whom is drastically impacted by the conversation we are having in this Zoom call today, and who increasingly share the cost of financing their education alone."

Johnson said he recognized that decisions to raise tuition are not made lightly.

"Rather, I'm calling on our partners in the Iowa state Legislature to work together with the board and with students alike to create the systemic change necessary to provide accessible, affordable education to any student who pursues it," Johnson said.

Leila Masinovic, president of UNI's Student Government, said attaining a degree not only provides students with an education but gives back to communities where they end up working.

She said, as a first-generation student, she might not share the same struggles as other classmates.

"But something we all understand is the financial burden that a college education can cause to not only a student and their family, but to the communities they could have served if they were able to continue their education as they had wished," she said. "This unfortunate circumstance of a promising individual not being able to attend college because of rising costs will only be a great disadvantage and hindrance to our society."

What are the proposed tuition rates?

Total cost of attendance will vary from student to student. A full explanation of proposed tuition and fee increases for students in the coming academic year is outlined at:

Some academic programs have specific proposed tuition and fee increases.

Proposed 2022-23 tuition rates at the University of Iowa

Resident undergraduates would pay a base tuition rate of $8,711, a 4.25% or $355 increase over the previous year.

Nonresident undergraduates would also see a $355 increase over the previous year, but that's a 1.17% increase in the base tuition rate of $30,674.

For graduate and professional students, residents would see an increase of 4.25%, or $443, bringing the base tuition to $10,875. Nonresidents would see an increase of 1.51%, or $443, bringing the total to $29,822.

Mandatory fees would increase by $56 for UI students, to a total of $1,642.

Proposed 2022-23 tuition rates at Iowa State University

ISU resident undergraduates would pay a base tuition rate of $8,678, a 4.25% or $354 increase over the previous year.

Nonresident undergraduates at ISU would also see an increase of 4.25%, or $1,026. The base tuition rate would be $25,162.

Resident and nonresident graduate and professional students would see increases of 4.25%. For residents, that would mean an increase of $432 to a base tuition of $10,572. For nonresidents, that would equate to an increase of $1,092 with a base tuition of $26,776.

Mandatory fees would increase by $145 for ISU students, to a total of $1,455.

Proposed 2022-23 tuition rates at the University of Northern Iowa 

UNI resident undergraduates would see an increase of 4.25% in base tuition, or an additional $331. The total base tuition would be $8,111.

Nonresident undergraduates would see an increase of $785 to their base tuition, bringing the total to $19,265, or an increase of 4.25%.

Graduate and professional students at UNI would see an increase of 4.25% for both residents and nonresidents. For residents, that equates to an increase of $395, bringing the base tuition to $9,691. For nonresidents, the increase would total $846, for a base tuition rate of $20,774.

Mandatory fees would increase by $27 for UNI students, to a total of $1,300.

Cleo Krejci covers education for the Iowa City Press-Citizen. You can reach her at

This article originally appeared on Iowa City Press-Citizen: Students at Iowa public universities could see 4.25% tuition increase