Trump’s appointments have corrupted the judiciary, especially Supreme Court | Opinion

Trump corrupted the judiciary

Something that I have not noticed in the newspapers is dealing with the lawyers that Trump is hiring. Here is a man that is hiring some of the worst lawyers in the country, but what is worst is he had the authority to hire or in place some of the worst judges in the country.

Trump’s judge appointments especially on the Supreme Court have proven to be liars. They all said Roe vs. Wade was a set law, but they change it. But that isn’t all. What if you as a farmer dug an irrigation ditch years ago when the law allowed it. Now, someone decides that they don’t like it that you have that ditch and go to court. With a few vacations to the judges, (Clarence Thomas come to mind) you find out that you have to fill in that ditch. Now, I know a lot of people get mad when they have unelected people in the various sections of the government telling them what they can and cannot do. But remember, these judges appointed by the president are not elected, and once in office they are there for life.

Jerry Johnson, Payette

Hamas must be totally destroyed

The media shows the damage in Gaza. The UN wants a cease-fire. But important facts have been forgotten. Hamas attacked Israel in brutal fashion to fulfil their goal: kill Jews and destroy the Jewish State.

Citizens in Gaza allow Hamas to operate in their schools, homes, and hospitals. By enabling Hamas, they became part of it, endangering themselves. Hamas could not build miles of tunnels or store thousands of munitions without knowledge and help from the general population. Their anguished tears from bombs falling in retribution are mixed with their joyful tears celebrating the killing of Jews.

Hamas alone is responsible for the bombing in Gaza. Hamas brutally attacked, killed, and kidnapped civilians in Israel. Israel is defending their country as any nation under attack would. Russia attacked Ukraine but no one blames Ukraine for defending itself. The reverse is true, other nations are trying to help Ukraine. Instead of calling for a cease fire, the world should be helping Israel rid Gaza of Hamas and the tunnels they built for their terrorist operations.

Terrorists have tried to kill Israel since its inception. Hamas is a terrorist organization. Hamas cannot be allowed to attack Israel again. Ever.

Joan Ehrnstein, Meridian

Nampa Hispanic Cultural Center

The City of Nampa has taken over and changed the name of the “Hispanic Cultural Center” to the “Nampa Event and Cultural Center.” They will remove the Mexican flag in front of the building in order to represent a more diverse cross section of Cultures. I do agree with this idea but I can’t help but think that the City is trying to make the building “more white.”

The City does state that it will continue to celebrate Hispanic/Latino Culture and traditions. This is important because the building was built completely with donations from people and organizations whose intent was to promote those traditions.

The building has been under utilized since it’s inception and has been allowed to deteriorate. It became clear that a handful of Mexican Celebrations such as Quincineras and weddings and lack of professional management could not support the building. The City is right in take over the building, something they probably should have done many years ago. The City now will install a professional management team and has already spent a substantial amount of money renovating the building. Thank You City of Nampa for stepping up and doing what needed to be done! Better things to come!

Daniel Martinez, Nampa

Manage dams for salmon until they fall

On 15 December, the plaintiffs and the US government presented to the federal court a proposed agreement and plan in the case of the Columbia River System Operations.

The preface to the statement to the court should begin by stating the number one goal is getting to the point where a return to a “natural” river (breaching of the four Lower Snake River dams) is possible and a target date should be set for that to occur.

Until that is possible, a secondary goal should be to run the river system for the benefit of the fish during the period 1 April to 30 Jun.

During this period, the fast and safe migration of the fish would take priority over power generation and river traffic even if that means periods where lake levels are reduced to below MOP and barge and tourist ships were unable to run and power is not generated.

This is a period is when power needs are reduced and ag products which are harvested in Summer and early Fall can be rescheduled.

Any agreement MUST work aggressively to save the fish starting in 2024, not maybe ten years in the future.

Keith E. Carlson, Lewiston