A study found that Gen Z isn't fond of brussels sprouts — is that actually true?

Gen Z doesn't like Brussels sprouts — at least according to a study in the U.K. Tesco, a convenience store chain, released its annual 2021 Christmas report which surveyed 2,000 U.K. adults. The study shared a few statistics on what people planned to eat over the holidays, Brussels sprouts sowed the greatest generational divide. Ironically, the veggie saw a resurgence of popularity with consumption increasing 22% since last year and 61% of the U.K. opting for the sprouts this season. But when the percentage is broken down by age: Only 26% of 18 to 24-year-olds appear to be pro-Brussels sprouts. While Gen Z may not be championing Brussels sprouts, the veggie does seem quite popular on TikTok. The hashtag #brusselssprouts has 7.9 million views while #brusselsprouts has 56.8 million views. "Brussels sprouts are so underrated," a user commented