Stunning Picture Of Fighter Jet Followed By Amazing Vapour Trail


Looking more like a sci-fi still from another planet, these are actually fighter jets whizzing over the Welsh valleys.

The out of this world pictures show the low-flying jets leaving fluffy trails of vapour behind them.

The stunning sight was snapped in Snowdonia by freelance photographer and retired Royal Navy aircraft weapons electrician, Bob Sharples, 53.

He said: “I’ve been taking pictures since I was 10 years old, and one of my favourite subjects to cover is aviation and military.

"These military aircraft were carrying out low level flying, fast jet training for the relevant air crews.

"It was a cold, damp morning with the sun breaking through now and then – ideal conditions to get an aircraft ‘fluffed up’.


Bob continued: "There is always a buzz of excitement if you get an aircraft pass, followed by a quick check of the camera screen to ensure you captured it.

"Just two minutes after the jets came through visibility plummeted – so I was really lucky on this occasion.”

It took an hour of trekking up a steep, rocky hill carrying heavy camera gear and supplies before the aviation enthusiast was in the right position to achieve the perfect shot - but Bob considers it well worth the effort.

"With aviation photography it takes a lot of time and aircraft appearing are not guaranteed, you can often spend a full day and come up with blanks when no aircraft pass at all.

"But when luck is on your side, aircraft come past and you get pictures like this, you get a real buzz and all the blanks are suddenly forgotten.”

[Credit: Caters/Bob Sharples]