How this submissive spider's massive webs are beneficial to the Wilmington area

Golden silk orb-weaver
Golden silk orb-weaver

It's the time of year when the orb-weaver spider's appearance is more common in the Wilmington area. The orb-weaver spider might not be popular or wanted around by many people because of the massive webs they create in your doorway, walkway or garden that you always tend to walk into, but they provide many benefits.

Here are six things to know about the orb-weaver spider according to Amy Mead, area natural resource agent with the NC Cooperative Extension for New Hanover, Brunswick, and Pender counties.

When do orb-weaver spiders start appearing?

Orb weavers like the Golden Silk Orb Weaver start appearing in the spring, but are most noticeable in the late summer and fall when they reach adult size, and their webs are quite large.

Are orb-weaver spiders dangerous/poisonous?

There is little danger of encountering a spider like the Golden Silk Orb Weaver as they are very submissive, and non-aggressive spiders, and most will flee or drop off their webs to avoid humans and pets. It is extremely uncommon to be bitten by one. Basically, you would need to hold it in your hand to cause it to bite and the bite is less severe than a bee sting and for most people it is medically insignificant.

Where can orb spiders be found?

Orb-weavers like to create webs on the edges of woods between tree branches or on shrubs.  Sometimes they can be seen in the eaves of houses or near light fixtures that attract insects at night.

Why are orb spiders web so massive?

The female Golden Silk Orb-weaver, sometimes known as a Banana Spider due to their coloration, is quite a large spider and uses their web to catch their prey. It is generally the female spiders that we see on the webs as the male orb-weavers are often tiny in comparison to the larger females.

Yellow garden spider
Yellow garden spider

What are the benefits to having orb spiders outside the home?

Spiders are incredibly beneficial organisms in the ecosystems. First and foremost, they eat other insects like roaches, mosquitoes and moths. They help keep insect populations down, which helps to maintain balance in your home or garden. Also, if a spider has built a web in an area where you don't want them, use a stick to gently pull down their web and relocate them to an out of the way area.

What is an interesting fact about the orb spiders?

There are 180 species of orb-weavers in North America. One of the most beautiful is the yellow and black garden spider, often called "writing spiders" due to the zig-zag pattern down the center of their web.

This article originally appeared on Wilmington StarNews: Benefits of orb-weaver spiders in Wilmington