Submit a question for the December debate stage

We’re hosting the next Democratic debate, and we want you to help shape the discussion. The POLITICO/PBS NewsHour debate on Dec. 19 will take place just weeks before the Iowa caucuses, the first time voters will have their say in the 2020 campaign.

What have you still not heard from the candidates? What issues do you care about that haven't been covered enough, or at all? Tell us what you would ask the candidates by filling out the form below by Dec. 13.

Six candidates have qualified to be onstage so far according to our tracking of public polling and donor information: Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg, Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. Tulsi Gabbard, Tom Steyer and Andrew Yang are still in the mix to qualify. No candidate's qualification is official until it is confirmed by the Democratic National Committee after the Dec. 12 qualification deadline.

We're partnering with "PBS NewsHour "to host the sixth Democratic debate on Dec. 19 at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles. We'll stream it live on and on our social channels (Facebook, Twitter and YouTube).