Sudanese singer fights cancer with music and love

STORY: This Sudanese singer is fighting cancer with music and love

Location: Khartoum, Sudan

Mona Magdy was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer in February

but that hasn't stopped her from performing at concerts

(Mona Madgy, Singer)

"Seeing the audience cheering for me while I'm on stage is an indescribable feeling. I was so happy, it is one of the happiest things that ever happened to me in my life. I'm thankful for this disease because it showed me how much people love me. I'm so happy with their love and support."

In her spare time, Magdy hosts friends at home where they sing

and visits children suffering from cancer to offer moral support

"Having friends around makes you feel less pain, especially when you have family and friends in a good atmosphere like singing and arts in general. The most important thing is to make yourself feel that you are fine, not suffering from any disease, completely recovered, to give yourself strength from the inside, which will reflect on you from the outside. People around you will see this and will benefit from your power."