
Suleiman Kangangi: Kenyan cyclist dies after high-speed crash during Overland gravel race

Suleiman Kangangi rode for Team Amani (AP)
Suleiman Kangangi rode for Team Amani (AP)

Kenyan cyclist Suleiman Kangangi, 33, died after a crash at high speed during the Overland gravel race in the US state of Vermont on Saturday, his Team Amani said in a statement.

The 59-mile (95-km) dirt road race includes almost 7,000 feet (2,134 m) of climbing, according to the event’s website.

“Sule is our captain, friend, brother. He is also a father, husband and son,” the team said in a statement on Sunday. “Gaping holes are left when giants fall. Sule was a giant.

“Instead of leading us at the front of the pack, he will now lead us as our guiding pole star as we press forward in the realisation of his dream.”

Amani’s John Kariuki won Saturday’s race while team mate Jordan Schleck finished third.

“Vermont Overland is completely heartbroken,” its organiser, Ansel Dickey, said in a statement. “We extend our deepest sympathies to his family, his friends, Team Amani, and the people of Kenya.”