Sumatran Tiger Cubs Named at London Zoo

London Zoo has announced the names of three Sumatran tiger cubs that were born in June – Inca, Zac and Crispin.

Supporters of the zoo bid for a chance to name the new arrivals at a fundraising gala in September, the zoo said, raising £51,000 ($57,000) in the process, with £450,000 raised overall on the night.

The tiger cubs are now four months old and growing fast, according to tiger keeper Martin O’Sullivan.

“Inca loves her food and is always ready to defend a bit of chicken from her brothers if necessary," he said. “Crispin is a little quieter than his two boisterous siblings, and is definitely a mummy’s boy – preferring to snuggle up to Gaysha in the sun – while Zac is the largest cub and loves playfighting with his sister, getting an early start on developing their hunting skills.”

The cubs are part of a global conservation effort to protect their species through a collaborative European breeding program. There are only about 300 Sumatran tigers left in the wild. Credit: ZSL London Zoo via Storyful

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