With summer heat and storms brewing, some say Michigan is headed for brownouts

Dorothy Osborne, 76, and Vivian Kidd, 56, clean up after a flash storm around the Grandmont neighborhood in Detroit on Wednesday, June 1, 2022.
Dorothy Osborne, 76, and Vivian Kidd, 56, clean up after a flash storm around the Grandmont neighborhood in Detroit on Wednesday, June 1, 2022.

Summer heat and storms came early this week to southeast Michigan and Michigan’s post-COVID-19 economy is also heating up.

In a mild taste of what's due this summer, more than 28,000 DTE customers in metro Detroit lost power Wednesday afternoon after a brief but gusty rainstorm.

Couple the prospect of far more damaging storms in the future with the annual summer surge in air conditioning and the reviving economy's power needs. Next, add new uses for power starting with electric vehicles. Finally, factor in a growing list of aging power plants that Michigan utilities have shut down.

That mix, here and in other states, has led to a sizzling insiders’ debate this spring that’s vital to every Michigander — and to the residents of 14 other states in the Midwest plus one Canadian province. The debate is whether Michigan and the rest of this sprawling interconnected midsection of the continent are at risk of power shortages and brownouts this summer — or not.

That debate broke out into the open this week when DTE’s chief operating officer for electric power sent an email blast on Tuesday to 1.6 million of its residential and business customers. In the email, DTE Electric COO Trevor Lauer told customers unequivocally: “We do not expect rolling brownouts or any issues with generating the electricity you need to live your life all summer long. ... I can’t emphasize enough that we do not anticipate an issue for you or our other customers in Southeast Michigan this summer.”

Lauer's words were meant to dispel the fear caused by the debate's other side. Insisting that widespread brownouts could happen is a little-known but ultra-important nonprofit organization called MISO — for Midcontinent Independent System Operator. MISO may be obscure outside electric power circles, but its 1,100 employees oversee a huge portion of the continent’s electric grid, from the Gulf of Mexico to the Upper Peninsula and into Manitoba, Canada.

MISO’s evaluation of this summer’s potential power needs sounds ominous. Those predictably surging summer needs, laid over the grid’s ability to distribute power, led MISO’s CEO to say in a recent report: “The reality for the zones that do not have sufficient generation to cover their load, plus their required reserves, is that they will have increased risk of temporary, controlled outages to maintain system reliability.”

Come July and August, if MISO is correct, that could mean that some Michiganders with what’s called “voluntary interruptible service” will have to go without air conditioning for the hours that, say, people in Mississippi or Minnesota need Michigan’s electricity. It also could mean that Michigan’s utilities will ask their customers to voluntarily turn their thermostats up while air conditioning to, say, 75 degrees or more.

Both of Michigan’s two big electric utilities, Detroit-based DTE and Jackson-based Consumers Energy, say they could easily handle that situation without causing brownouts across Michigan. Joining them on that side of the debate is the Michigan Public Service Commission, the state agency that regulates electric utilities. In rare unison, all say that Michigan is generating more than enough electricity for all Michiganders, so much more in fact that Michigan’s big utilities stand ready to supply their extra power, called “reserves,” if some other state has a shortage.

More: Wednesday’s storm leaves thousands without power in Wayne County

DTE's worst case scenario? If somewhere else in the MISO region runs short of power this summer, DTE would help in three ways: sending DTE’s excess power back to the grid to share with other states; asking customers with voluntary interruptible metering, generally tied to their air conditioning, to accept temporary shutoffs of their A/C; and issuing as a last resort “a public appeal to ask our customers to turn down their thermostats a couple degrees or turn off any lights or appliances they’re not using,” said Lauer's email.

He actually means turn up their thermostats while running air conditioners. But his point is clear. On Wednesday, DTE was scheduled to begin firing up its giant new Blue Water Energy Center in St. Clair County, said to be the nation’s most modern and energy-efficient natural gas generating plant. As Blue Water comes fully on line, DTE will retire two big plants — the aging, coal-fired St. Clair and Trenton power plants. That won't be a problem this summer, the utility said.

Right to left, DeAryus Williams, 19, Cam, 17, Lorenzo Blount, 66, and Tre Amando, 18, clear the road after a flash storm around the Grandmont neighborhood in Detroit on Wednesday, June 1, 2022.
Right to left, DeAryus Williams, 19, Cam, 17, Lorenzo Blount, 66, and Tre Amando, 18, clear the road after a flash storm around the Grandmont neighborhood in Detroit on Wednesday, June 1, 2022.

DTE will replace the generating capacity of the two outdated plants with the high output of the new Blue Water plant, coupled with increasing power from wind and solar generation, and through improved efficiency throughout its system as well as its award-winning “demand response programs,” a DTE spokeswoman said in an email.

"Demand response programs" are educational efforts that encourage consumers and businesses to use less electricity, in spite of new technology that tempts society to use more. In early May, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency awarded DTE its “Partner of the Year” award for programs that nudge consumers into buying energy-saving appliances, such as trading in old refrigerators for new ones; and into making above-code building improvements that save energy, such as installing new windows and better weather stripping around doors.

Elsewhere in Michigan, Consumers Energy echoed DTE’s pushback about MISO's warning. Company officials in Jackson sent this statement: “Consumers Energy has prepared for this summer, and we are confident we have a reliable supply of energy to serve our customers. Our holistic, long-term planning ensures there will be enough energy to serve all our customers at all times of the day, during every day of the year. These plans are conservatively estimated. We always build in an additional energy cushion to account for potentially higher customer usage (like electric vehicles) and unknowns including weather events.”

Certainly, the electric utility world is undergoing revolutionary change. That landscape has shifted dramatically after enjoying decades of status quo. For years, Michigan used coal or nuclear fuels to generate electricity and moved vehicles with fossil fuels, through an era blissfully ignorant of climate change. Now, as MISO acknowledged, managing the flows of power from state to state has never been more challenging.

A spokesman for MISO in Little Rock, Arkansas, said the nonprofit wasn’t backing off its warning. But he also said that Michigan historically was in a safe place. In a statement sent Wednesday to the Free Press, MISO spokesman Brandon Morris said: “Temporary, coordinated power outages are extremely rare and a last step emergency measure implemented to protect the electric grid. MISO has never taken this step in Michigan.”

Still, Morris reiterated the MISO CEO’s earlier warning, although in less dire terms. From Missouri to the Dakotas to Michigan, MISO found the overall system to be short of capacity. Morris said the nonprofit’s early 2022 analysis of various states’ summer energy demands had brought to light “the potential need for emergency procedures to keep the system in balance as well as the need for increased reliance on imports and more resource flexibility,” to provide a steady flow of electricity through “the uncertainty of extreme weather.”

But MISO’s warning, while technically justified, was unnecessarily alarmist, said Dan Scripps, chair of the Michigan Public Service Commission.

“I think MISO is right to highlight the increased risk of grid-scale outages. Every zone met its legal requirement, but the regional transmission network needs upgrading. There is a bottleneck between Missouri and Arkansas that will keep the northern generating entities from assisting the South if they needed it, and vice versa,” in a problem that has been building for years, Scripps said.

Here in Michigan, “we ask all our energy providers to look four years into the future and show us they have the capacity to serve all their customers. And we’ve been satisfied at their demonstrations of that. We believe we have the number of reserves that Michigan needs.

“Frankly, I’ve been dismayed by some of MISO’s statements” that he said had "a sky-is-falling nature.” Yes, the system is “slightly more at risk” of a regional power shortage this summer, but there is no greater risk than usual within Michigan, Michigan’s top energy czar said.

As for preventing local outages caused by high winds — like the gusts on Wednesday shortly after noon that cut off power to Grosse Pointe North High School and more than 1,000 customers in the surrounding neighborhood — both DTE and Consumers Energy have accelerated their tree-trimming efforts, Scripps added.

Although it’s too soon to be sure of success, “the anecdotal evidence is that where they have trimmed more trees, the reliability is improved,” he said.

DTE and Consumers Energy “got well behind on this for a number of years (and) you don’t turn around a big system overnight. I think we’re moving in the right direction now, but we’ve got to do more and we’ve got to do it faster,” he said.

Contact Bill Laitner: blaitner@freepress.com

This article originally appeared on Detroit Free Press: Storms, EVs, aging plants could bring brownouts to Michigan