Sun Herald to change print days as digital transition evolves

The Sun Herald’s journey toward a more digitally focused, sustainable future takes its biggest step yet later this year.

We will transition to a 24/7 digital product with two days of high-quality print editions beginning April 15.

The print editions will publish Wednesdays and Sundays and continue to be delivered alongside your regular mail delivery. The Sunday newspaper will arrive on Saturday as it has since last year. Single copies also will be available at select retail locations.

The eEdition will continue to publish seven days a week at and in our digital app.

And we’ll continue to publish news digitally throughout the day, every day.

We’re also improving your digital experience. We’ll soon have a big eEdition update that I’m excited to share with you.

This is another key move for us within the digital transition of the news industry — and a vital step toward the sustainability of the Sun Herald.

The Sun Herald and its predecessors have been around a long time in South Mississippi. We are, in fact, approaching our 140th birthday. And we plan to be here for decades to come by carefully evolving our business into the digital age.

Increasingly, Coast residents get their news from their phones, tablets and computers.

With that trend in mind, we’ve become much more digitally focused and have intensified that approach to where readers of or our eEdition often see our best work before our print readers. Since last year, our eEdition has often included stories that were published after our print deadline or were scheduled to run in print at a later date.

For the Sun Herald to continue to provide you with essential coverage and key investigative reporting, we must transform to thrive in 2024 and beyond.

We have, by far, the most experienced reporting team of any local news organization.

In the past year, reporter Anita Lee told readers about the challenges facing the state’s oyster industry while reporter Margaret Baker has exclusive coverage of a dog theft case that captured the attention of Hancock County. Reporter Mary Perez keeps readers updated on the latest restaurant news.

We have won numerous journalism awards for our work, and Lee was inducted in 2023 into the Mississippi Press Association’s Journalism Hall of Fame.

If you’re already a subscriber, thank you for supporting the work we do and investing in local journalism and be sure to activate your digital access at

If you aren’t a subscriber, please consider being a part of the solution. A growing community deserves a strong, independent local news source.

The future of our community depends on it. In the coming days, subscribers will receive correspondence from our customer service team regarding next steps. That team can be reached at 800-346-2472.