Sunbury Summer Kick Off set for June 3

May 29—SUNBURY — The Sunbury Summer Kick Off event on June 3 will feature live music, raffles, children's events, the opening of the Sunbury pool, and some bodyslams and head butts.

As part of the event, World Wrestling Entertainment legends Headshrinker Samu, Grangrel and Gene Snitsky, along with MLW star Lance Anoa'i will arrive in the city for bell time at 2 p.m. behind the wall at the river for a slate of pro wrestling matches.

"I can't wait to do some fangin' n' bangin' in Sunbury," Gangrel said.

Sunbury Mayor Josh Brosious, who is the head of the Sunbury Summer Kick Off event, said World Extreme Wrestling, of Philadelphia, will be visiting the city and setting up shop behind the wall at the riverfront in a free event for the public.

Brosious, along with Chief Clerk Jolinn Barner, Kyle Alexander and Sunbury Revitalization Inc. members Slade Shreck and Maggie Mae Ross, planned the event and are now set to put those plans in motion.

Brosious said the event will feature multiple bands, fireworks, food trucks, axe throwing, a cornhole tournament, children's activities and other surprises.

Brosious says the day will also feature free concerts and a raffle which will feature the grand prize of a 2023 Polaris ATV.

Runaway Stroller will play at 4 p.m., along with national musical artist Claudia Hoyser and finishing off the night before a major fireworks display will be national country music artist Jason Michael Carroll.

The kickoff event is scheduled to begin at noon while WXWC4 will begin at 2 p.m.