Super snow moon: pictures of 2019's largest full moon around the world

The sight of the “super snow moon” wowed people across the world on 19 February as the moon appeared bigger and brighter than it will all year.

It reached the perigee, or closest point to earth, only a few hours before rising last night in the UK, where it was at its brightest at 3.53pm.

One of three supermoons that will be visible this year, it was the biggest and brightest full moon of 2019. The next one, known as the super worm moon will fall on 21 March.

The Moon appears about 7 per cent larger and 15 per cent brighter to observers, although the difference is barely noticeable to the human eye.

It made its closest approach to Earth since 1948 last year and it will not be that close again until 25 November 2034.

He The Independent has collected the best photos of the moon last night from around the world in the gallery above.