Superintendent search, low-performing school plans on school board agendas

Nov. 4—Next week will be a busy one for the Lee County Board of Education, with special/called meeting on Monday and a full agenda for Tuesday's regular meeting.

At 5 p.m. Monday, the board will meet in closed session with attorney Stephen Rawson to discuss a single item — the district's superintendent search. The search process has been advancing over the past several months and in earlier statements, the board said it hoped to have its choice announced by early December. Dr. Chris Dossenbach has been serving as the interim superintendent since Dr. Andy Bryan resigned on May 9. The meeting will take place in the Assembly Room at the Heins Education Building, 106 Gordon Street.

At Tuesday's regular meeting, the board will discuss low-performing school plans for several schools. Principals from Broadway Elementary School, BT Bullock Elementary School, WB Wicker Elementary School, East Lee Middle School and West Lee Middle School will present preliminary plans to the board.

On Wednesday, plans will be made available to the public, soliciting feedback. The final plans will be presented to the board on Dec. 4. If approved, schools will place these goals within the state-required NCStar template and submit them to the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction by Dec. 9.

The board will also discuss a waiver for a policy to address the issues at the stadium at Lee County High School after the stands were closed due to structural issues that were discovered in the stands.

The policy waiver would allow the superintendent to select an architect following the rebuts for quotes and finalize the contract as soon as possible. The waiver would increase the superintendent's contracting authority from $50,000 to $100,000 for this specific contract only.

The board will also have a second reading of changes that have been proposed for a number of policies.

Following a closed session to discuss a student transfer appeal hearing and personnel, the board will return to open session for new business continuation, specifically for personnel.

Tuesday's meeting is set for 6 p.m. in the Jimmy L. Love Board Room in the Core Curricular Center at Lee County High School, 1708 Nash Street.