Superior author discovers humor in everyday life

Jun. 15—SUPERIOR — Gina Ramsey's new book, "Burnt Gloveboxes — Embracing Life When It Goes Up in Flames," finds humor in the most trying of circumstances.

There are anecdotes of a dog whose iron stomach fails repeatedly; a literally crappy gift; rouge turkeys; and car troubles. Readers will find encounters with moving woes, unexpected animals and surprising people, all viewed with an eye toward comedy.

"I think it's seeing the silver lining in life and the crazy things that happen in life. I tell people, in some instances, if I didn't laugh about those things I probably would have cried," said Ramsey, a medical social worker who lives in Superior.

Some moments did warrant an immediate chuckle. Others took time and reflection to find the bright side.

"To be able to take a breath and go, 'OK, what's being taught to me here?' or 'What's kind of funny in this?' I think that helps you to stay healthy," Ramsey said.

Friends who have heard her stories tend to have one of two reactions. Some can't believe so many crazy things happen to her. Others relate to her experiences and share their own.

Ramsey's goal for the Irma Bombeck-style collection of stories is to spread laughter and joy to other people.

"It would be awesome to sell a billion books, but if I don't, if I can at least make one person laugh or bring somebody joy, or a smile, I know that I've changed the world in my little way. That was the important piece," Ramsey said.

Before she moved to Wisconsin with her family, Ramsey didn't picture herself as an author. Her goal to write the book crystallized, however, when the glovebox of the family car started smoking in the parking lot during a basketball game. According to the book, it was part of a string of glovebox mishaps with that car, which they bought from Ramsey's mother.

"I took a picture of the glovebox, and I'm like, 'That is going to be the title for this book,'" Ramsey said.

She began typing up titles for possible stories and kept them in a folder that went with her everywhere, even on vacation. Through a networking group, Ramsey met a supportive team of women that included the owner of Highlander Press, the company that published "Burnt Gloveboxes."

In November 2021, the Superior woman began writing down her stories as part of

National Novel Writing Month,

a challenge encouraging writers to pen a novel in a month.

Ramsey, who co-owns

Superior Ceramic Coatings

with her husband Paul, finished the book in April 2022. Since its publication May 9, the book has received roughly two dozen reviews on Amazon, nearly all five stars. It's been called a "hoot," a "fun ride," "relatable" and "laugh out loud hilarious."

There's more in the works. Ramsey's debut book focuses on her life in Wisconsin's Arkdale and Stevens Point. The family's Superior stories will be published in a second book, set to be released in 2024. It will include five stories from other people, who Ramsey calls the burnt glovebox community.

"I really want to turn this into an anthology to be similar to 'Chicken Soup for the Soul' but with Murphy's Law stories with people submitting. So we're going to do an open submission period after the second book goes out and we're gonna have themes — so car themes, pet themes, you name it," Ramsey said.

Ramsey will visit the Superior Public Library at 6 p.m. June 26 for a free program celebrating her book. The author will read from the book and discuss how she developed a knack for finding humor in the most frustrating situations. There will be a question and answer session, with books available for purchase.

Copies of the book are also available at Zenith Bookstore in Duluth and can be ordered through The Bookstore at Fitger's, Barnes and Noble and Amazon.


Gina Ramsey's website


Facebook page

for more information. She is also on Instagram and Pinterest.
