Supreme Court draft decision sparks flurry of reaction

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May 5—Just as the issue of abortion has stirred divisions of opinion for decades, word of the leaked U.S Supreme Court draft decision that overturns Roe v. Wade has exposed sharp differences in viewpoints locally and across the state.

Here in Greenville, one agency in particular could be directly impacted if the High Court formally issues a final decision that mirrors the draft opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito and supported by justices Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett.

Threesa Roseberry Sadler, executive director of Raffa Clinic, which assists pregnant woman and new parents, was happy to hear the news.

"The leak yesterday from the Supreme Court is an encouraging (sign) that the tide is turning on our highest court," Sadler said. "I am anticipating an increase in the number of women in unplanned pregnancy situations needing assistance and am thankful that organizations like Raffa Clinic are here and ready for every opportunity to serve her with truth and practical resources at no cost."

The Herald-Banner sought viewpoints from local citizens regarding the recent news that came out of the Supreme Court.

Maxie Mills shared her take on the leaked draft, saying,

"Since I have no uterus, I will side with the women in my life and work to help women retain their reproductive rights and autonomy."

Matt Sifuentes took a different view.

"Abortion has absolutely nothing to do with reproductive rights," Sifuentes said. "It's simply a mechanism to excuse risky/irresponsible behavior and an innocent life gets destroyed only because it's an inconvenience. The same people who advocate for this destruction of human life will decry euthanasia of unwanted animals. And no, the death penalty for violent dangerous criminals is not the same thing and honestly it's a weak argument."

"If Roe is banned it will be an answer to the prayers of many," said Betty Burns.

"And the beginning of hell for so many others," responded Morgan Hamilton.

Gary Davidson said lack of moral standards is what is wrong with today's society.

"Abortion is not supposed to be used as a birth control for people not thinking what the outcome could be," he said.

Jesse Perkins said the Supreme Court's decision will allow elected state legislatures make the decision on abortion.

"All this does is take the matter from the federal court and place it back into the rightful hands of the states," Perkins said.

Debbie Ladd Cheshire offered this viewpoint: "When all men take responsibility for their actions, abortion would not be necessary. What about the women whose lives would be endangered by attempting to give birth; I guess their lives don't matter. Leave it alone, this is between the woman and her God."

"This will not end abortions, it will end the access to safe abortions," said Jasmine Pike. "Many women will die trying to get one in unsafe environments, or from continuing pregnancies that will harm their bodies. This is sad to see; other peoples medical history has nothing to do with you. Don't like abortions? Then don't get one."

Bella Mia Fraser had a simple message: "Always choose life."

Mayne Morris believes many people are missing the most significant point of the leaked draft.

"This is about someone (a law clerk or some other person) actually stealing a draft of a SCOTUS decision and leaking it to the media for political gain," Morris said. "We don't know if this was just one member's opinion or the majority. This has created a firestorm for both political parties, and one in particular has already begun manipulating this to distract from the real issues that are facing the nation. This is actually a criminal act and the person who did this needs to be found and tried in the courts! With the garbage we have in public office today the integrity of SCOTUS is all that is left."

Larry P Davis, chairman of the Hunt County Democratic Party, was not surprised by the leaked decision.

"It was very predictable, the epitome of government overreach even though over 80% of Americans believe a woman has a right to safe, private and efficient healthcare. While this is still only a draft, this court is poised to take that right away, to intervene in decisions that are solely between a woman, her physician and God. The shocking part of this revelation is that the sanctity and integrity of the United States Supreme Court has been compromised, destroyed. Sadly, the most sacred entity in America's governmental system has been politicized. Truly a sad time for all Americans."

Across Texas, pro-life and pro-choice advocates were quick to either condemn or hail the High Court's draft decision. "Every woman deserves the freedom to make their own decisions about their body, health care and future," Democratic gubernatorial candidate Beto O'Rourke said in a Tweet. "It's never been more urgent to elect a governor who will always protect a woman's right to abortion."

He added that if elected governor in November, he will ensure that all women have the ability to make their own health care decisions "each and every time."

Meanwhile, the author of the Texas Heartbeat Law, state Sen. Bryan Hughes (R-Tyler), said in a prepared statement: " If the leaked opinion from last night is ultimately adopted, the Supreme Court will finally correct its horrible mistake from 1973."

Hughes added: "With that ruling, the Supreme Court took this decision away from the American people. It is long past time to return this decision to the people.

"Once Roe is finally overruled, the people of each state will decide what the law on abortion should be.

In his draft opinion, Justice Samuel Alito calls Roe "exceptionally weak," adding "there was no support in American law for a constitutional right to obtain an abortion." While only a draft, it does signal the likely end to Roe as five justices favor overturning the long-standing precedent. "We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled," Alito writes. "It is time to heed the Constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people's elected representatives."

Should it come to fruition, the Supreme Court decision would be particularly impactful in Texas, which passed a trigger law last summer. The law would go into affect 30 days after the Supreme Court's final ruling against Roe and would make performing an abortion a felony with a life in prison sentence and fines up to $100,000. The law makes an exception only when performing an abortion saves the life of the mother or if they risk "substantial impairment of major bodily function."

State Rep. Erin Zwiener, D-Driftwood, said that politicians should "leave all pregnancy-related care to patients and their doctors."

"All Texans deserve the freedom to make their own health care decision," she said.

Other state Democratic leaders urged Texans to take their anger to the polls.

Celia Israel, former Democratic state representative and an Austin mayoral candidate, said women and allies "must vote like hell this fall."

Texas pro-choice advocates used the opportunity to remind residents that the document is a draft, and while disheartening, does not yet eliminate the right to an abortion. They added that abortions are still legal and in Texas, in accordance with Senate Bill 8, can still occur until a fetal heartbeat is detected, around six weeks of pregnancy.

"The SCOTUS opinion is a leaked draft and not official," La Frontera Fund, an abortion fund based in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas, said in a statement. "Abortion funds are still helping people access abortions."

President Joe Biden said in a statement Tuesday that Americans must remember that the draft is not an official decision. He added that should the draft opinion be solidified, he will work to codify pro-choice legislatively.

"If the court does overturn Roe, it will fall on our nation's elected officials at all levels of government to protect a woman's right to choose. And it will fall on voters to elect pro-choice officials this November," he said.

In Washington, D.C, Democrats for Life Executive Director Kristen Day also urged people to await the official decision.

Day told CNHI News that the biggest issues she sees in the anti-abortion movement is the lack of support for moms, leading them to choose abortion because they do not see another option. Instead there needs to be a greater emphasis on removing health care and support barriers that help women reach full term pregnancies.

"The time to overturn Roe is long past due, but we should not be celebrating just yet," Day said in a statement. "We have an incredible amount of work ahead to ensure that we protect women and children in a post-Roe world."

While pro-choice advocates expressed anger and frustration, pro-life advocates cheered. "I think the right outcome is to overturn Roe versus Wade. Roe vs. Wade was wrong the day it was decided. It was seven unelected lawyers who declared to the American people that the voters no longer have the right to make decision about abortions," Texas Sen. Ted Cruz said.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said the news is a "very good sign."

Paxton's office also went before the U.S. Supreme Court on its own abortion case in November. That case, Whole Women's Health v. Jackson, was ruled in favor in Texas, allowing its law — Senate Bill 8 — to remain in place. The law bans abortions after cardiac activity is detected, usually around six weeks of pregnancy, before many women know they are pregnant. It also enables private people to sue anyone who performs an abortion or helps anyone receive one.

Oklahoma passed a similar law last week.

"I hope that SCOTUS returns the question of abortion where it belongs: the states," Paxton said following the news.

(CNHI Statehouse Reporter Ali Linan contributed to this report).