Surprise! Joe Biden, a Man, Tried to Take Credit for Elizabeth Warren’s Work

Photo credit: Win McNamee - Getty Images
Photo credit: Win McNamee - Getty Images


After Tuesday's Democratic primary debate, there's no doubt that the 2020 presidential candidates perceive Elizabeth Warren as a threat. Throughout the night, candidates were coming at the Senator full force, clearly reacting to recent polls that show her climbing to the top of the pack.

But one incident in particular left some voters reeling. Toward the end of the debate, Warren started to speak about her work opening the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau in response to the financial crisis of 2008, one of her signature achievements.

She explained, "Following the financial crash of 2008, I had the idea for a consumer agency that would keep giant banks from cheating people. And all of the Washington insiders and strategic geniuses said, ‘Don’t even try because you will never get it passed.’ And sure enough, the big banks fought us, the Republicans fought us, some of the Democrats fought us. But we got that agency passed into law."

But when she was finished with her statement, Biden cut in and said: "I agreed with the great job she did, and I went on the floor and got you votes! I got votes for that bill! I convinced people to vote for it! So let’s get those things straight, too."

And with all the calm and aplomb of a woman who knows what it's like to have a man take credit for her work, Warren responded, "I am deeply grateful to President Obama who fought so hard to make sure that agency was passed into law. And I am deeply grateful to every single person who fought for it and who helped pass it into law." It was then that Biden interrupted her to say, "You did a hell of a job at your job," to which Warren paused and said, "Thank you."

The moment did not go unnoticed on Twitter, and many were simply stunned at the exchange. Others couldn't help but relate to Warren's deft handling of a man trying to overshadow her accomplishment. Below, some of the best reactions:

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