Survey says New Jersey accent is seventh-hardest to understand abroad

It might come as a surprise to anyone living in the Garden State, but there are some people who need subtitles to watch "The Sopranos." Why? Well, apparently, the New Jersey accent can be difficult to understand in other countries.

Family Destinations Guide polled 3,000 families and found that the New Jersey accent is the seventh-most misunderstood accent when traveling abroad, behind three New England states, two southern states and New York. It seems the rest of the world just doesn't get the way we talk (pronounced "tawk").

Though the rankings are by state, the destinations guide also defined five commonly misunderstood accents abroad: New England, New York City, Southern Appalachian, Cajun American and New Jersey.

The New Jersey accent is defined by the destinations guide as "characterized by a unique blend of influences from various other accents and dialects, including New York City English, Philadelphia English and Italian American English."

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Basically, what they're saying is that our accent is so unoriginal it's original.

The most misunderstood accent, according to the survey is Rhode Island, followed by Maine. Both New England states are lumped in under the same accent by Family Destinations Guide, so at least New Jersey has the distinction of being one of a kind.

The lesson here is, if you're in another country and need a caffeinated beverage, bring a New Jersey-to-English dictionary, because the local barista might not know what "caw-fee" is.

This article originally appeared on NJ accent difficult to understand overseas, survey finds