Survivors of the East Area Rapist talk about Joseph DeAngelo plea deal

Decades after the East Area Rapist terrorized the Sacramento area, the most notorious serial criminal case in the region's history is coming to a close. Survivors and victims of the serial killer said they leaned on each other in order to get through the investigation, arrest and hearings. Joseph DeAngelo, 74, on Monday pleaded guilty to 13 murders spanning six counties from the 1970s and '80s. In doing so, he has admitted to being the Golden State Killer. The former police officer also admitted to dozens of sexual assaults that he could not be criminally charged with because too much time has passed. In exchange, DeAngelo will avoid the death penalty. Get the full story in the video above. *** If you or someone you know needs help, you can call the national sexual assault hotline at 1-800-656-4673 or you can chat online here. ***