Suze Orman recovering after 12-hour surgery to remove tumor from spine

Suze Orman is "getting better and stronger every day" since undergoing a 12-hour surgery last month to remove a tumor from her spine.

The 69-year-old personal finance expert shared on her podcast, "Suze Orman's Women and Money," that she was having surgery on July 23 because doctors found a benign tumor on her spine that "needs to come out immediately."


Orman and her wife, Kathy Travis, shared an update on her Facebook page on July 25 about how Orman was progressing following the surgery.

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"Everything that was the unknown, has now become the known!" they wrote. "After 12 hours of a very difficult and delicate surgery on Thursday, Suze came through with flying colors, even to the doctor's amazement.

"She is resting comfortably and now tackling her physical therapy homework! She is on the road to recovery and will be back soon! She loves your prayers and support...keep em coming!"

A friend of Orman's named Sarah then shared another follow-up to Orman's Facebook page on Sunday with a photo of Orman giving a thumbs-up from a wheelchair. In true Orman fashion, thepost also included financial advice for the millions of people collecting unemployment during the pandemic and the outlook for real estate and the stock market.

"Suze and I just got off a FaceTime, and I can tell you, one week from her surgery she is getting better and stronger every day," Sarah wrote in her update. "I cannot express how much Suze and KT appreciate all of you for sharing your love and prayers with them."

Orman is recovering at her home in Florida, which received a glancing blow from Tropical Storm Isaias with some heavy rains over the weekend.

"They are safe and, as she says 'old salty dogs,' and they are prepared for it," Sarah wrote about Orman on Facebook ahead of the storm. "She says she is looking forward to the storm clearing and the silver lining coming through on the other side."