Sweet and Savory Recipes to Help You Use Up Those Leftover Egg Whites

When a recipe calls for egg yolks only, we all eagerly flip through our cookbooks for a complimentary recipe requiring just egg whites—solely novices would dare push them down the drain instead. Though sometimes an inconvenience, egg whites thankfully store fairly well and can keep until your next kitchen escapade. Plus, they're worth saving. Egg whites are the keys to light-as-air meringues, poufy soufflés, and more treats both savory and sweet. With these leftover egg white recipes, you never have to wonder how you'll use up all those extras the next time you want to whip up a crème brûlée or yellow birthday cake. And, you won't have to resort to making a sad egg-white omelet for lack of better options. From classic Vanilla Macarons to the dazzling Brownie Baked Alaska and savory Warm Cheese Box Bites, you'll soon find that instead of an egg white surplus, you may have a shortage.