Here’s How to Switch to Renewable Energy

This summer will certainly be a scorcher. But beating the heat while still social distancing poses some unique challenges. With millions of Americans working from home, our typical energy consumption will continue to change, with fewer stores and office buildings to illuminate and more apartments needing electricity 24/7.

That makes the source of the energy coursing through your AC more important than ever. But few of us are actually taking the necessary steps to green our homes. Though public support for renewable energy is at a historic high, and the benefits to our health and environment are too numerous to list, most Americans haven’t actually made the switch.

“It’s a dispiriting number,” says Jeff Swenerton, communications director for the Center for Resource Solutions, which educates policymakers and the public about renewable energy. “It’s something like, on average, [two] percent of consumers who have access to a green power program through their utilities actually sign up.”

Part of the problem is that people aren’t always aware of the options. Some utilities don’t always do a great job of advertising their eco-friendly options, Swenerton says. For others, it might be a financial concern. (Green energy often does cost more, but Swenerton says it should add less than $10 to your bill each month.) But it seems that a lot of consumers simply find the process inconvenient. Going green requires tearing through some red tape.

But cleaning up your energy consumption isn’t as hard as it seems. “About half the country can choose their power provider, half the country can’t,” Swenerton says. If you’re in one of the states where you can’t choose, well, there’s only one place to go. Find the name of your utility on your energy bill, go to their website, and search for green power programs. If you find a plan that works for you, you should be able to sign up then and there.

If you’re in a state where you can choose your supplier, you’ve got a surplus of options. New York City residents, for example, have 47 options for renewable energy, according to the state’s Power to Choose search engine. Between public utilities and private providers, you should be able to find something that fits your price range, preferred energy mix (the combination of hydropower, solar, and other renewables that sustain your Netflix habit), and standards of credibility.

That last point—green cred—is important. Not all green energy options are created equal, so it’s important to cross-reference your top picks with a third-party certification program. “The funny thing about green energy is that you can’t tell as a consumer” if you’re getting the good stuff, Swenerton says. “You can’t see it or taste it or hold it in your hand.” That’s where organizations like the Low Impact Hydropower Institute and the Center for Resource Solutions come in. CRS runs the Green-e Certification Program, which basically means their team is constantly crunching the numbers to make sure energy companies are living up to their promises. You can find certified companies on their website.

Unfortunately, some people won’t find an existing renewable energy plan where they live. If your utility doesn’t offer a sustainable alternative, it might be time to engage in some old-fashioned civic action. Write to your representatives about the kind of energy you want, and get your neighbors to join in. While you work to create change, you can still invest in a green future. Swenerton suggests buying renewable energy credits equal to the number of kilowatts you consume each month. Your money will go to expanding the existing clean energy supply.

Switching to green energy is important. But there are other ways to reduce your impact on the grid—and the planet. “Even though we’re in the [renewable energy] industry,” Swenerton says, “if you can do one thing, it’s [invest in] energy efficiency.” Swapping out energy-efficient light bulbs (and, in some cases, your appliances) may seem like a small change, but it’s the foundation of an eco-friendly home.

It may be a cruel summer, but it’ll be easier to crank up the cooling unit knowing it runs on renewables.

Originally Appeared on Architectural Digest