Taiwanese woman discovers her son’s kindergarten classmate is daughter of her husband and his mistress

After reportedly encountering a little girl at her son’s preschool who bore a resemblance to her husband, a Taiwanese woman discovered her to be the daughter of her husband and his former mistress.

Following the discovery, the woman shared her story titled “My husband’s mistress’ daughter attends the same kindergarten as my son” to an online forum called Breaking News Commune APP- Anonymous Commune, reported China Press.

While taking her son to school, the woman ran into the mistress and the little girl and immediately recognized an uncanny resemblance between her husband and the girl. She later realized that the little girl was the daughter of her husband and his former mistress.

According to her post, the woman found out about her husband’s affair five years ago when she was pregnant with their son. The husband and his mistress purportedly begged for forgiveness and vowed to cut ties from each other.

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“After five years, she still lives in the same town as me, and she gave birth to a girl,” the woman wrote.

When confronting her husband, he purportedly denied the claims and even pushed the woman to the ground.

“I asked him if the child was his and he didn’t reply. I asked him if he was still in contact with the mistress secretly, and he even called me ‘crazy’ [while] not answering me,” the woman wrote.

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The woman also revealed that she was six months pregnant with her second child and stated in an update post that she moved out and plans to live with her parents until she gives birth: “I don’t care that I’m pregnant for more than 6 months, my heart is suddenly cold and it turns out that all of this has been a lie. Lying to me for 5 years when I think about it. They’ve been sneaking around all the time and I’m going to break down.”

She also stated that her husband stopped by her parents’ home to beg for forgiveness; however, she is not yet ready to forgive him.

“Whether I forgive him, I shall wait and see,” the woman wrote.

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Feature Image (for representation purpose only): Jason Sung

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