Talk About Clyde: Local youth group attends Christian retreat at Kalahari

Jeanette Liebold Ricker
Jeanette Liebold Ricker

Local teens participating in Clyde Christian Youth Group (CCYG) recently spent an inspirational weekend at Kalahari Resort in Sandusky, Jan. 6-8. The group is cosponsored by St. Paul Lutheran Church and First United Methodist Church, which covered the cost for those who could not afford the experience.

A total of 46 area youths and 12 chaperones spent their time at the Kalahari retreat attending inspirational sessions with 2,400 other teens in attendance. The speaker was David Marvin, a well-respected Christian Youth speaker, who has a podcast, The Porch, geared for 18-to-30-year-olds.

After each session local teens returned to their suite with their two chaperones for a group discussion about his presentation. Each suite held 10 teens and two chaperones, who prepared their breakfast, lunch and dinner there. Their free time was spent swimming in the water park, playing arcade games or snacking from vendors. When they relaxed in their rooms they read scriptures.

Quotes from the teens afterwards included "It helped me get closer to God and know Him," "I'm going to start reading the Bible and pray more," "I've made relationships with kids I'd never talk to if it wasn't for this retreat," and "I learned it is very easy to fall into what culture and society is doing even when it is not what God wants you to do."

A group of boys voluntarily started their own online Bible study afterwards, said Jeanette Greenslade, one of the organizers of the group.

She and Amy Hilliker unofficially started the group in 2015 when they wanted a Christian youth group for their own children, nieces and nephews, which slowly increased.

In 2016 they merged with a new teen group at St. Paul Lutheran Church when a youth director, Jen Rawson, was hired there. It grew, attracting youths from 18 churches from several denominations as well as some who did not attend church.

When the group held its kickoff program at the start of the 2022-2023 school year, they had 107 youth, 39 high schoolers and 78 middle schoolers.

They meet twice a month from 7 to 8 p.m. Sundays at St. Paul Lutheran Church, with a mixture of fun, fellowship and worship. Meetings begin with free time playing board games, shooting baskets or playing ping pong in the parish hall.

Youth then gather in the sanctuary for worship with upbeat music by Brian Farrar, St. Paul worship director, followed by inspirational talks from Greenslade and Pastor Amy Ochier from the First United Methodist Church.

Then they return to the parish hall for group discussions followed by fun competitions. Snacks and water are available throughout the evening.

St. Paul seeks new youth director

St. Paul Lutheran Church is seeking a new youth director, following the resignation of Rawson, who has accepted another position with her hometown church. Interested persons can contact the church secretary at 143 W. Forest St. or 419-547-9225.

Hilliker and Greenslade are continuing to keep CCYG running smoothly until a new director is hired. Hilliker is a guidance counselor at McPherson Middle School and Greenslade is fifth grade teacher at Green Springs Elementary School.

Knifty Knitters items on display at library

A display of items knitted or crocheted by Knifty Knitters is now on display at the Clyde Public Library. Last year was amazingly productive for the Knifty Knitters, said Nelcy Elder, group leader.

The group made 2,296 items that were donated to three hospitals, nursing homes/assisted living, homeless shelters, two schools, dialysis centers, cancer centers, Compassionate Ministries, Hope Medical Heartbeat, Clyde Exchange Club Project Night Night, Clyde Food Pantry, When Pigs Fly and the Giving Tree at the Clyde Public Library.The group has 35 members who participate twice a month at their Tuesday morning meetings at the Clyde Public Library and seven members who drop off finished items.

The group started Jan. 10, 2006 with four ladies who wanted to learn to knit or crochet.

The library display will be up until the end of January. The Giving Tree in the lobby is filled with hats, scarves and mittens free for the taking and will be up through the second week in March.

Knifty Knitters meetings are from 9 a.m. to noon on the first and third Tuesday of the month and 5:30 to 8 p.m. the last Friday of the month. The evening meetings are in Clyde at El Habanero Mexican restaurant from November to February, and from March to October at Copper Whale Winery.

All are welcome to attend to learn and supplies are provided. Donations of yarn are always accepted at the library.

Contact correspondent Sheri Trusty at

This article originally appeared on Fremont News-Messenger: Talk About Clyde: Local youth group attends Christian retreat at Kalahari