Tallahassee Christian College and Training Center offers summer classes

On Monday, May 23, Summer I session kicked off May 23 with something for everyone at Tallahassee Christian College and Training Center with online classes for summer.

The Books of Joshua to Esther, Part 1 will start our Monday evening classes on May 23, from 6-8:30 p.m. This is the first half of a 10-week course on the 12 books of the Old Testament history books. The class will unravel the difficulties that each person faced and bring clarity to this daunting section of Scripture.

Every student will come away with a firmer, more confident grasp of these books and a greater appreciation for them. They are extremely relevant for today, portraying large tumultuous times with plenty of political and spiritual ups and downs for the Israelites.

On Tuesday evening (6-8:30 p.m.), David Hull will be teaching on Christ and Covenants. A solid understanding of covenants is vital for a sound and foundational understanding of the entire Bible. This course will present important covenant concepts and how they are fulfilled in Christ.

Perhaps you are considering a call to ministry and/or being a pastor. Our other Tuesday evening course, "Expository Preaching ~ Unleashing the Power of God’s Word” will be taught by Tallahassee’s own Dr. Henderson. This course addresses the ABC’s of sermon preparation and delivery to give any pulpiteer the confidence to proclaim God’s Word through expository preaching.

On Thursday evening, Hull will teach a course for Sunday school teachers, deacons or elders in the church, as well as any Bible study leader. The title of this course is “Effective Bible Teaching.”The term “Effective Bible Teaching” can be understood in more than one way.

What are the components of effective Bible teaching? How does one become a more effective Bible teacher? In this Biblically-based course, we will seek to make rapid progress in gaining practical and useful insights about this vital form of ministry.

All of TCCTC’s classes will be conducted online this summer. If you have any questions, call the college at 850-513-1000 or send an email to the Registrar at registrar@tcctc.org. Learn more at tcctc.org/courses-seminars.

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This article originally appeared on Tallahassee Democrat: Tallahassee Christian College offers classes in Scripture this summer