Taming the Indian River Inlet: A continuing challenge

The Indian River Inlet has a mind of its own. Over the years, the waterway would fill with sand and then reopen whenever it pleased. Sometimes, the tides and currents would reopen the waterway in the same location. Other times, the forces of nature would create a new channel a short distance away.

Often appearing calm, without a ripple on its surface, the Indian River Inlet could turn violent and erode everything in its path. Nothing, it seemed, could tame the Indian River Inlet.

At the dawn of the 20th century, the inlet filled with sand, and several hundred farmers armed themselves with shovels and attacked the silt that blocked the inlet. For two days, the men assaulted the muck and created a shallow channel that allowed some water to flow from the bay to the ocean; but the wet sand on the new inlet’s banks slid back into the watery ditch.

Construction progresses on the north side as Deldot and DNREC officials, along with Delware Gov. Jack Markell held a Dec. 16 2013, news conference and tour of the redevelopment of the Indian River Inlet Parking and Camping area's, now that bridge construction is done.
Construction progresses on the north side as Deldot and DNREC officials, along with Delware Gov. Jack Markell held a Dec. 16 2013, news conference and tour of the redevelopment of the Indian River Inlet Parking and Camping area's, now that bridge construction is done.

When the shovel brigade returned for a second attempt, they dug a wider waterway; but it, too, silted closed quickly. The inlet remained little more than a wet spot in the sand crossed by a low wooden bridge.

In 1928, former governor John G. Townsend Jr. was determined to reopen the clogged Indian River Inlet. Working on a limited budget, Townsend persuaded the Hercules Powder Company to donate a ton of dynamite for the project. After the explosives had been buried in the sand, everyone took cover, and at four o’clock on Saturday afternoon, Nov. 3, 1928, Townsend threw the switch.

According to historian, Richard Carter in "Clearing New Ground, , The Life of John G. Townsend Jr.", “What was almost certainly the grandest explosion in the history of Sussex County … The 2,400 pounds of dynamite threw up vast amounts of sand 150 feet in the air on both sides of the intended channel. Almost instantly the impounded waters of the bay began running out into the ocean through the opening.”

That, however, did not tame the Indian River Inlet. Within days, sand began to accumulate in the newly-blasted channel. Within a few months, the inlet was closed, and few traces remained of the explosive effort to reopen the waterway.

The Indian River Inlet Bridge is shown after Hurricane Sandy on Oct. 30, 2012. Researchers installed sensors to gather detailed tide and surge data during storms.
The Indian River Inlet Bridge is shown after Hurricane Sandy on Oct. 30, 2012. Researchers installed sensors to gather detailed tide and surge data during storms.

After Townsend’s abortive attempt failed to tame the inlet, federal funds became available in the 1930s to cut a new inlet across the dunes and to build a new bridge across it.

In 1938, a modern dredge, the Margate, armed with powerful sand-moving equipment, arrived on the coast, and it began cutting the new waterway across the dunes. At the same time, plans were drawn for the new bridge.

According to the Milford Chronicle, “The bridge is to be 704 feet long, with a swing center which will hold the operator’s house. The swinging part of the bridge will be 182 feet long and will open a channel of 60 feet on each side of the swing center.”

The Indian River Inlet, however, was not to be tamed so easily.

On Nov. 4, 1938, the Milford Chronicle reported, “Workmen of the State Highway Department discovered Monday of this week that the south end of the old bridge over the Indian River Inlet had again been swept by the tides and that it was unsafe to travel, and it is again closed to traffic until new 65 foot pilings can be put in place to hold against the swift tide.”

Michael Morgan
Michael Morgan

The inlet and new bridge were finished the next year, but the bridge only lasted until 1948, when it collapsed killing three people.

Several decades later, construction of the current bridge across the inlet was delayed several years because of the problems with the shifting sands. Even today, storms erode the sands on the northern approaches to the bridge, the Indian River Inlet has not been tamed.

Principal sources

Richard B. Carter, The History of Sussex County, n. p.: Community Newspaper Corp., 1976, p. 44.

Richard B. Carter, Clearing New Ground, The Life of John G. Townsend Jr., Wilmington: Delaware Heritage Press, 2001, pp. 393-394.

Milford Chronicle, Sept. 23, 1938; Oct. 14, 1938; Nov. 4, 1938.

This article originally appeared on Salisbury Daily Times: Taming the Indian River Inlet: A continuing challenge