Target Is Selling Hilarious Food-Inspired Couple And Family Halloween Costumes And I’m Dead

Photo credit: Target
Photo credit: Target

From Delish

Few things make me happier than the fall, and now that Target's saying it's time to celebrate the season with all of its costumes and home decor, I'm officially ready (minus the fact my tan will soon fade). But, while you spend the rest of your summer weekends soaking in all the sun, consider adding "Monster Mash" to your vacay playlist or, at the very least, start brainstorming what you'll be dressing up as on Halloween night.

Because...whether or not you dressed up last year, 2019 is another chance to make it memorable. Of course, we're bound to see a lot more Game of Thrones and Stranger Things costumes, but my special Delish readers: LET'S STRIVE TO BE UNIQUE THIS YEAR, OKAY?!

Instead of going to your friend's festive bash as another Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow (no shade, but like...), opt for a tastier couple's costume. Like two halves of an Oreo cookie, perhaps! Or two slices of bread, each with their own slice of ham or cheese. Is there anything cuter than a love sandwich?

Now fam, we've seen the superhero parents and children combo a million times. As cute as it is, imagine how adorable you'd all look as a barbecue setup? A grill, a hotdog, a hamburger, some popcorn (because why not).

And obviously, if you're not into the group costumes and prefer to fly solo on Halloween, any of these food costumes will work for you as well. Take your pick! Of course, if you want to celebrate all Halloweekend, be sure to make room for seconds!

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