Taylor Swift Announces New Album '1989,' Premieres New Music Video 'Shake It Off'

Taylor Swift's last album came out in October 2012, but she has been working. Taylor wants you to know that she has been working. In fact, she wants you to know her whole style has shifted, and golly, she's decided she really loves the '80s.

The new album art.

So Taylor Swift, faced with a two-year vacuum of her own music, has decided to close that bridge and release her new album on October 27. She made this announcement on a Yahoo! livestream, co-sponsored by ABC News. Taylor knows that her fans are all about a good Yahoo!/ABC livestream. She comes to them. 

The album will be called 1989, in honor of both her birth year and the fact that she just really loves the '80s, you guys. Seriously. '80s pop? You're speaking Taylor's language right now. But don't worry, dear Swifties! You don't have to wait for the album's release to hear new music.

During the livestream, Taylor played her new song "Shake It Off" and danced as only Taylor Swift can. There was flouncing and bouncing and sass. Oh, the sass! Sadly, the new song is not a cover of Mariah Carey's "Shake It Off," but a catchy new bit of pop – because that's what Taylor Swift is now, Taylor Swift told us. She is pop.

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The livestream itself was just a 30-minute-long bucket of fun, including a bit where Taylor invited us out onto the balcony of the Empire State Building only to immediately ask us to go back inside because it's kind of chilly, and this is her house anyway, so you should probably just do what she wants to do, you know?

In conjunction with 1989's release, Taylor is also doing some gimmicky nonsense with giving out Polaroids – she's just been taking so many Polaroids! – and giving her fans a chance to meet her. 

"We created something called the 1989 Swiftstakes. See, it's like sweepstakes, but we made it annoying," Swift said, speaking her greatest truth of the hour.

Check out the video – directed by Never Let Me Go helmer and music video legend Mark Romanek – below. The album can be pre-ordered on her website.

This article was originally published at http://www.thewire.com/entertainment/2014/08/taylor-swift-announces-new-album-1989-just-really-loves-the-80s-you-guys/378720/

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