Taylor Swift criticizes Trump and adds “Obviously I’m pro-choice”

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Taylor Swift wasn’t kidding when she vowed to be more politically active. It seems Swift has finally shared her political stance on our president. In an upcoming interview, the pop star discussed her disapproval of Donald Trump, her pro-choice abortion stance, and the state of US politics.

The Guardian will publish an extensive interview with Taylor Swift this upcoming Saturday. In advance, the newspaper shared a few excerpts, all of which are surprisingly honest given Swift’s reluctancy to discuss complicated topics in the past. The biggest topic is her criticism of Trump’s presidency. “We’re a democracy — at least, we’re supposed to be — where you’re allowed to disagree, dissent, debate,” she said in the interview. “I really think that [Trump] thinks this is an autocracy.”

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The paper then goes on, saying that Swift “began feeling conflicted about what the U.S. stood for when ‘all the dirtiest tricks in the book were used and it worked,’” likely in reference to the 2016 election. She then said the current political climate in the US is “gaslighting the American public into being like, ‘If you hate the president, you hate America.’”

Swift also expressed disappointment with her local Tennessee government over their recent vote to almost completely ban abortion. “Obviously, I’m pro-choice,” she said. This follows her recent note about supporting Democratic candidates in her local midterm elections. It’s likely she talked about her pro-LGBTQ stance as well, given she donated over $100k to equality groups and wrote an open letter to her Republican senator urging him to support the Equality Act, and encouraged fans to chime in with a note at the end of her “You Need to Calm Down” music video. Listeners shouldn’t expect her activism to stop there, as she then told the Guardian she vowed to “do everything I can for 2020.”

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Speaking of elections, she had some words about the last one — specially about why she refused to publicly endorse a candidate, as she thought she might be a “liability”. “I was just trying to protect my mental health — not read the news very much, go cast my vote, tell people to vote,” she said. “I just knew what I could handle and I knew what I couldn’t. I was literally about to break.” She then confirmed that, yes, she would have endorsed Hillary Clinton.

Swift spent her entire career as the queen of keeping her lips sealed (Sorry, Mary Kate and Ashley). Now that she has opened up, she has some new vocal critics, like Kid Rock and Trump himself, but she doesn’t seem to mind. Today, Swift is celebrating the release of her new album, Lover, which features previously released singles “ME!”, “You Need to Calm Down”, “The Archer”, and “Lover”, as well as a song co-written by St. Vincent and another featuring Dixie Chicks.

Taylor Swift criticizes Trump and adds “Obviously I’m pro-choice”
Nina Corcoran

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