#TBT: Two famous whooping cranes made home in Aransas County in 1950s

Adult whooping cranes Josephine and Crip in their enclosure at the Audubon Park Zoo in New Orleans with two of their chicks in June 1957.
Adult whooping cranes Josephine and Crip in their enclosure at the Audubon Park Zoo in New Orleans with two of their chicks in June 1957.

For a time in the 1950s, two of the most famous whooping cranes in the world lived at the Aransas Wildlife Refuge in Aransas County.

Josephine — at the time known as Joe — was found injured by a hunter near Abbeville, Louisiana, in 1940. Wildlife officials decided to take the whooper, one of the last of the flocks that regularly nested along the Louisiana coast, to the Audubon Park Zoo in New Orleans. Josephine was joined by another injured crane, Pete, in 1947. Pete had been injured by a hunter in 1935 near Gothenburg, Nebraska, and was kept as a pet until moving to the Audubon zoo.

In 1948, biologists decided to see how the two cranes fared living at the wildlife refuge. The cranes could not fly due to their injuries and were wary of most humans, but allowed refuge manager Bud Keefer’s wife to hand-feed them. The pair lived in a 150-acre area enclosed by a 9-foot fence.

More:#TBT: How the 1937 creation of Aransas National Wildlife Refuge helped save whooping cranes from extinction

Then on April 30, 1949, the birds shocked Keefer when he discovered the pair had laid an egg. They immediately renamed Pete to Petunia, assuming the smaller, less aggressive bird was the female (joke was on them, though). A second egg appeared May 4, and visitors flocked to view the nesting pair from a distance.

Keefer was able to get a photo of the nest, though the cranes weren’t happy about it.

“Joe (actually Josephine) didn’t like it at all when I got up close and started taking some pictures,” Keefer told the Caller-Times in a May 8, 1949, article. “He and Petunia (actually Pete) raised an awful fuss, whooping and scolding. When I got into position to take the pictures Joe first pecked my right thumb, making the blood come. Then he grabbed hold of the left sleeve of my shirt and tried to pull me away — I had to yank hard to get my sleeve out of his bill. Then he stood there and pecked hard on top of my head, which was covered with a cap — those pecks hurt too.”

Considering whooping crane’s bills are about a foot long, that peck probably did pack a punch.

Keefer had to make guesses on when the eggs might hatch, as so little was known about the species. In 1949, researchers only knew of 31 other surviving whooping cranes, exclusive of the two living at the refuge. The last time a nest had been observed by humans in the United States was in 1890.

Sadly, the two eggs were found destroyed on May 23. After an examination, biologists determined the eggs were infertile and destroyed by the parents. They held out hope that the pair would try again the next year.

Instead, another tragedy. On the evening of July 22, new refuge manager Julian Howard heard whoops in the night.

“They were the most awful, the most chilling whoops I’ve ever heard,” Howard later reported.

The next morning, he found Pete dead — the whoops were cries of grief. An autopsy confirmed that Petunia was in fact Pete, and about 14.5 years old. Joe officially became Josephine.

But all wasn’t lost for Josephine. A second whooping crane had been living wild at the refuge for about five years, known as Crip (my sincere apologies for this name). Keefer had attempted to introduce the third whooping crane during the winter of 1948, but the other two whoopers chased him off.

With her first mate gone, Josephine was more amenable to meeting Crip. Biologists were also unsure of Crip’s gender, but when the pair began the courtship dance, they had confirmation he was male. The whoopers produced an egg in April, and in May it hatched. This was the first successful hatching of a captive whooping crane, and the fledgling was quickly dubbed Rusty. But only four days later the young bird disappeared, presumably a victim of predators.

The following year as mating season approached, the refuge reduced the size of the enclosure and reinforced the fencing in hopes another egg would be produced and better protected from predation. The pair produced another egg that summer, but the nest was inundated by high tides from a storm and the egg destroyed.

Whooping crane parents Josephine (standing) and Crip guard one of their eggs in March 1958 at the Audubon Park Zoo. The pair successfully raised two chicks in 1957.
Whooping crane parents Josephine (standing) and Crip guard one of their eggs in March 1958 at the Audubon Park Zoo. The pair successfully raised two chicks in 1957.

Then the Audubon Park Zoo came calling. Zoo superintendent George Douglass feared the refuge was too large and dangerous for Josephine, and wanted to give captive breeding another try. He requested Josephine be returned. Many Texans weren’t happy, but the zoo also requested the loan of Crip, who belonged to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. After the wild flock of whooping cranes at the refuge left in the spring of 1952, Josephine and Crip were captured and sent to their new home.

More:#TBT: Corpus Christi's Suter Wildlife Refuge holds ancient history and vital ecosystem

In May 1956, Josephine and Crip welcomed their first hatchling since Rusty, and the first whooping crane born in a zoo. The pair continued to produce eggs and successfully raised four chicks to maturity.

On Sept. 13, 1965, Josephine was found dead at her zoo enclosure as Hurricane Betsy caused widespread flooding. An autopsy revealed the famous whooper was 28 years old and had died from heart failure, possibly brought on by the stress of the hurricane.

Crip was introduced to Rosie, another captive whooping crane who lived alone at the San Antonio Zoo, the following year. The pair became mates and produced a number of eggs through the years and one successful offspring, Tex, before Rosie’s death in 1971.

Crip had one last mate he was introduced to in 1976, Ektu, and the pair produced several eggs before Crip’s death in March 1979. One chick hatched, Crip II or Criptu, and the chick and Ektu lived out the remainder of their days at the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center in Maryland.

Allison Ehrlich writes about things to do in South Texas and has a weekly Throwback Thursday column on local history. 

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This article originally appeared on Corpus Christi Caller Times: #TBT: Two famous whooping cranes made home in Aransas County in 1950s