Teacher: Ryan Walters’ language and rhetoric increasingly problematic and dangerous

Since being elected into office, state schools Superintendent Ryan Walters has consistently spewed hateful rhetoric and lies about public school teachers in this state. He periodically goes on Twitter to discuss the pornographic materials being distributed in elementary schools, the supposed “woke indoctrination” taking place inside classrooms, and the desire for teachers to teach children about gender neutrality. All of these statements are blatant lies meant to discredit our public school system and the tireless efforts of those in education to give our children a proper education.

I teach American history. Not once in the 12 years since I have been an educator have I attempted to indoctrinate children. I teach history. I teach facts. I give students the full picture of our nation’s history. And I follow the standards put forth by the College Board that every AP U.S. History teacher in the nation follows.

To question my methods of teaching, to try to paint an image of my classroom, to somehow suggest that my intentions as an educator are anything but to help my students become active, engaged citizens is an insult to me, to my work, my background and to my students. I invite Superintendent Walters to come into my classroom, observe what I teach and then attempt to say to my face the hateful lies he spews on Twitter every day.

The hateful rhetoric that Walters consistently puts out onto social media and in meetings with other state leaders is detrimental to public education and has become increasingly dangerous. Just days ago, he had the audacity to equate teachers unions to terrorist organizations. The definition of domestic terrorism, as defined by our Federal Bureau of Investigation is “violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups to further ideological goals stemming from domestic influences, such as those of a political, religious, social, racial or environmental nature.” Superintendent Walters, please enlighten me as to how an organization that advocates for public education, decent wages for teachers, smaller class sizes, well-rounded curriculum, fully funded schools, adequate resources and respect for public education is a terrorist organization.

This type of rhetoric puts my life at risk, and the lives of everyone serving in education. We know gun violence in schools is on the rise. We see it in the news constantly — schools are at an increased threat of gun violence and mass shootings. So, why in the world does the state schools superintendent think it in anyone’s best interest to suppose in any capacity that those who work day in and day out to better our education system are using violence? How does that help anyone?

As state schools superintendent, Walters should be listening to teachers and those in education. He should be spending his time off of Twitter and in the classrooms, talking with teachers about the real issues we face every day. He should be working tirelessly to ensure the needs of every child in the Oklahoma school system’s needs are being met. We have issues far beyond a Twitter rant. We have increased class sizes, teacher pay that does not stand up to the increased standard of living, constant budget cuts and teacher shortages. We have a mental health crisis among our young population, with more children attempting or completing suicide than at any other point in our nation’s history. We have students who are still trying to catch up from learning lost due to the global pandemic. Oklahoma consistently ranks 49th in education. Taking to Twitter to rant about indoctrination and pornography that does not exist will not change that. Instead, he makes us a laughing stock to the rest of the nation.

More: Ryan Walters targets list of explicit books, LGBTQ+ titles to 'protect our children from demented ideologies'

Superintendent Walters, it is time for you to step up or step out. Do the job you have been elected to do. Stand with teachers, or stand aside and let someone who does have the best interest of our schools, our students and our teachers at heart take the reins. Get off Twitter, and do your job.

Emily Busey-Templeton
Emily Busey-Templeton

Emily Busey-Templeton is an Oklahoma educator.

This article originally appeared on Oklahoman: Walters’ language and rhetoric increasingly problematic, dangerous