Tecumseh High School Sculpture Garden to be dedicated May 24

Tecumseh High School art teachers, from left, Jackie Whitely, Ron Frenzen (retired) and Christine Obeid worked pulled together the Tecumseh High School Sculpture Garden project. The effort took more than 10 years and much fundraising throughout the community.
Tecumseh High School art teachers, from left, Jackie Whitely, Ron Frenzen (retired) and Christine Obeid worked pulled together the Tecumseh High School Sculpture Garden project. The effort took more than 10 years and much fundraising throughout the community.

TECUMSEH — The culmination of a 10-year project to create a place for creativity, contemplation and community will be celebrated next week in Tecumseh.

The Tecumseh High School Sculpture Garden will be dedicated as a public space at 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 24, in the sculpture garden. It is on the east side of the building 

This will be a fundraising event, featuring Tecumseh High School alumnus Tim Ries, who has had a successful career as a jazz saxophonist, composer, arranger, band leader and music educator. The Tecumseh High School Jazz Band also will play as will the high school’s string quintet. 

“We will thank individuals and organizations who helped financially make this space possible. Then we will enjoy the music,” Tecumseh High School art teacher Christine Obeid said.

The Tecumseh High School Sculpture Garden has seating walls that were funded with an anonymous donation.
The Tecumseh High School Sculpture Garden has seating walls that were funded with an anonymous donation.

Tecumseh High School art teachers Obeid and Jackie Whiteley worked hard to pull the project together along with retired art teacher Ron Frenzen. The effort took more than 10 years and much fundraising throughout the community. Whiteley joined the effort when she joined the Tecumseh High School staff six years ago. Frenzen started the effort and continues to play an integral role in the development of the project.

“It is not often in life that you get to be part of something this big and impactful. Having completed the final phase and having the dedication feels like all the work and time put into the sculpture garden has finally paid off. I can't wait to see the space reach its full potential,” Whiteley said.

The sculpture garden is meant to be used by everyone. Students can use it as a learning space or a quiet place to enjoy when they need a break. Art students use it for inspiration and a location where they can create art.   

Four students — Maria Keunzer, Hunter Johnson, Tori Prieur and Charlee Civis — have placed sculptures in the garden. Civis' is a collaborative project between her and her fellow middle school students in which they created peace doves and sunflowers to show support for Ukrainians and promote peace. 

This sculpture is called “Small Fish in a Big Wave.” Tecumseh Public Schools student artist Maria Kuenzer created it.
This sculpture is called “Small Fish in a Big Wave.” Tecumseh Public Schools student artist Maria Kuenzer created it.

Each year, new students will be given the opportunity to present ideas to be approved to create art for the sculpture garden.

The community is welcome to enjoy the sculpture garden. The garden’s heart sculpture has already become a place where people come to take photographs. 

This sculpture called, “Love of Community,” was created by artist Jim Bundshuh in 2020.
This sculpture called, “Love of Community,” was created by artist Jim Bundshuh in 2020.

“I once witnessed a grandfather and his granddaughter sitting on one of the benches enjoying the space. I asked if it was their first time in the garden and he said, ‘No.’ He took his granddaughter there on walks frequently to look at the art and enjoy the space,” Whiteley said.  “That is exactly what we want — people enjoying the art and spending time in the garden.” 

The garden has a visiting artist space that currently houses a sculpture called "School of Choice" by Frenzen. The goal is to have a new, local artist install a sculpture each year.

“The space will continue to grow and evolve. We have a space on the east side for guest artists. We are lining up the guest artist for next school year and will be announcing that name soon,” Obeid said. “Our students love the sculpture garden. My photography kids go out there every day to take photos. It is truly an extension of our art classrooms.”

The artist for this sculpture called, “The Chief” is unknown.
The artist for this sculpture called, “The Chief” is unknown.

Frenzen’s sculpture is an installation of 100 raku fish on steel rods. He started making the first 100 fish during the pandemic summer of 2020. Students helped him fire the fish and install the artwork.  

“The THS Sculpture Garden is a special place. This unique learning space has been a dream for many years. It is the result of hard work by the current THS art educators, the continued focus by the sculpture garden committee and a very generous community. I do not know of any high school that has an area like this for specialized learning, lectures and concerts,” Frenzen said.

“I feel very proud of our community when I am in the sculpture garden. All through the process of building this space I was reminded that Tecumseh values the arts. It has also been very rewarding working with Jackie Whiteley and Ron Frenzen. We are a strong team,” Obeid said.

Whitely said that students love to walk around the space and look at all the pieces that have been created by professional artists and students. She looks forward to seeing what her future students come up with to put in the sculpture garden. 

“When I walk in each morning, I see the sun rising and casting light on the sculpture garden. It is a beautiful way to start each day. This scene is a daily reminder of how blessed I am to work here at Tecumseh Public Schools where something like this has been made possible,” Whiteley said. “We really have the community to thank the most. The sculpture garden has been funded by the community. Without the support we have received from the generous people who live here and care about the arts none of this would have been possible. We also have the support of the school board and our administrators to be thankful for. They saw value in the vision and stood behind us all the way to its completion.”

There is no rain date for the event. In the event of inclement weather, the dedication will be held in the high school cafeteria. Tickets will not be sold for the fundraiser. There will be an honor system for donations. Those attending can donate by scanning a QR code or pay cash or check the night of the event.

This article originally appeared on The Daily Telegram: Tecumseh High School Sculpture Garden to be dedicated May 24