Teenager mounts first legal challenge to hotel quarantine for denying her the right to study for her GCSEs in UK


A teenager whose GCSE studies have been disrupted by hotel quarantine is seeking a judicial review of the policy on the basis that it is unlawful and discriminates against children.

International law firm PGMBM has taken the first step in the high court action on her behalf by writing to the Government calling for the £1,750 charges to be dropped as they breach international health regulations and are “disproportionate” for children.

The 16-year-old dual British-Portuguese national travelled to Portugal with her mother in January to stay with her father under shared custody arrangements.

They wanted to return home to England to complete her GCSEs as schools opened on Monday but as an unaccompanied minor, her mother would be required to join her in quarantine in a government-designated hotel.

The cost of £1,750 for the mother and a further £650 for her daughter was prohibitive for the family, forcing the teenager to remain in Portugal without the chance of being taught face to face alongside her classmates.

PGMBM has lodged its pre-action letter on three counts, firstly claiming that the charges breach international health regulations which the firm says bar the imposition of charges for quarantine.

Second, it alleges the policy does not make “adequate exceptions or reductions” for those unable to pay the charges “in some cases obstructing people, including children, from exercising right of abode or residency in the UK.”

The law firm is also representing a retired British woman who travelled to South Africa last year to attend a family wedding paid for by her sons.

She was due to return three weeks ago on February 14 but her flight was delayed, forcing her to reschedule which meant she arrived in the UK on February 15.

As a result, she had to stay in a quarantine hotel. With a disposable income of just £300 a month from her pension and some savings, she claimed it has been unaffordable and left her financially exposed.

The third reason relates to claims that under European Convention on Human Rights and Equality Act the policy disproportionately affects minority groups including children.

Tom Goodhead, Barrister and Managing Partner of PGMBM, said: “This extraordinary policy appears to have been introduced without any proper consideration for how its disproportionate, ‘one-size-fits-all’ application penalises vulnerable citizens and residents.

“We believe the exorbitant cost regime imposed by the Government is both appalling and unlawful, making inadequate provision for those that have a pressing family need to travel.”