Teens posting signs calling for racial justice assaulted on Maryland trail

A video posted on social media shows a cyclist assaulting a group of teens who were putting up flyers on a Maryland trail calling for justice for George Floyd.

On Monday afternoon, two teenage boys and one teenage girl were posting flyers along the Capital Crescent Trail in Bethesda, Maryland, calling for people to donate money to demand action against the police officers involved in the death of George Floyd.

The flyers said, “A MAN WAS LYNCHED BY THE POLICE. WHAT ARE YOU DOING ABOUT IT? Text “Floyd” to 55156 Use your privilege for good.”

One of the flyers the teens were taping up along the trail.
One of the flyers the teens were taping up along the trail.

The text message allows supporters to donate to the Color of Change petition calling for justice for Floyd, who died May 25 in Minneapolis police custody, and “end police violence and white supremacy.”

The cyclist was caught on video assaulting the group of teens along the Capital Crescent Trail in Maryland.
The cyclist was caught on video assaulting the group of teens along the Capital Crescent Trail in Maryland.

The male teen told NBC News that he and his two friends were taping the flyers to poles along the trail when the cyclist came up behind them, “ripped the posters and tape out of our hands before eventually throwing his bike into me and trying to hold me to the ground with it.”

The video shows the man approaching the teen with his bicycle and the teen can be heard yelling “what?, hey, what the f***?” before he is thrown to the ground and the camera cuts off.

The group filed a report with the police and the Park Police Montgomery County Division put out a statement on Twittert urging anyone with information to come forward and help them identify the suspect.

“I’ve been putting up signs in my neighborhood and neighborhoods around mine to bring attention to the fact that a lot of these neighborhoods are in a position of huge privilege and can make a big difference in terms of both monetary donations and resources to fight against injustice,” said the teen who shot the video.