Tell Us A Dark Secret You Learned About Your Spouse After Marrying Them

When you marry someone, you marry them as they are — the whole package — flaws and all. And though you may know your partner better than you know anyone else, it doesn't mean you know everything about them.

hands signing marriage certificate
Manu Vega / Getty Images

Did you learn a wild secret about your spouse after marrying them?

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Sol Vazquez Cantero / Getty Images/EyeEm

Perhaps your partner was always a pretty private person who didn't talk extensively about their past, but you never thought much of it. One evening, while you were with your partner and their parents, their mom mentioned something in passing about your partner's first marriage. Everyone froze. Your partner never told you that they were briefly married to their high school sweetheart when they were fresh out of school.

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Shaun Egan / Getty Images

Maybe you had no idea the extent of your partner's credit card debt until you got married and combined your finances. It's something you really wish they'd told you about sooner, and it has added a lot of stress to your new marriage.

  Peter Dazeley / Getty Images
Peter Dazeley / Getty Images

Or, maybe during a fight with your spouse, they revealed to you that they made out with their coworker at a company holiday party while you two were dating. Though they claimed not to have cheated since, it still really hurt you to hear.

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Peter Dazeley / Getty Images

What's a wild secret your spouse kept from you? Tell us in the comments or submit anonymously using this form for a chance to be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post.