Do You Have An Unhinged In-Law? What's The Worst Thing They've Ever Done?

When you marry someone, you really do marry their whole family. It's part of the package deal! For some, in-laws are an amazing addition to the family. For others, they can be a bit challenging, or sadly, even a nuisance.

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Maybe your in-laws moved closer to you and your partner so they could spend more time with their grandkids. You gave them an emergency key to your house, but soon they started using the key whenever they wanted to come by. They showed up unannounced to "check on the house" while you were of town, they let themselves in during a work Christmas party you were hosting, and they even showed up when you were having a romantic evening with your partner while the kids were away. You had to revoke their key privileges, which caused quite a stink.

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Or perhaps you once caught your mother-in-law going through your cabinets and fridge and throwing out all of the items she didn't deem "good enough." She didn't just throw out food; she literally chucked some of your favorite coffee mugs because she thought they were tacky. They were presents from your kids...her grandkids.

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Or maybe your brother-in-law got drunk while watching a football game at your house and proceeded to throw his plate of food at your TV when the other team won. Rather than apologize, he blamed you and your partner for inviting him over for such a "high stakes" game.

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What's the most unhinged thing one of your in-laws has ever done? Tell us your story in the comments or submit anonymously using this form for a chance to be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post!