Here's How Much Power You'd Get From Solar Panels on Your Roof

From Popular Mechanics

One of the problems with setting up renewable power sources-like solar panels or wind turbines-is that it can be difficult to predict just how much power they will generate once they're built.

Say you're considering installing some solar panels on the roof of your house, and you want to know just how many kilowatt-hours of energy they will generate. A new website hopes to make that task easier. The website,, can calculate the amount of energy produced by a solar panel or a wind turbine anywhere in the world.

The website lets you specify your location via latitude and longitude, or by clicking on an interactive map. Once it has your location, you can find how much power a solar panel or a wind turbine installed there will produce. The tool even lets you specify the size and orientation of a solar panel, or the height and type of wind turbine.

While can help you predict your future renewable energy savings, the tool is primarily intended to be used by by academics in industries. The researchers who developed the tool recently published a paper in the journal Energy where they predicted the total output of all future wind farms for the next 20 years.

Even if you're not planning to invest in renewable energy, you can check the tool to see how much power a solar panel in your neighborhood can generate. It might be more than you think.

Source: TechXplore

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