Temple Sinai announces promotion to the synagogue’s Senior Clergy

Temple Sinai has promoted Chazzan Cliff Abramson to the synagogue’s Senior Clergy. Abramson has been responsible for cantorial duties since he began at the synagogue in 2006. He succeeds Rabbi Samantha Kahn.

“After sixteen years, no one is more committed, dedicated, and compassionate than Chazzan Abramson, we’re incredibly fortunate to have him as our Senior Clergy,” Temple Sinai president Alan Chalfin said.

Chazzan Abramson has often been responsible for rabbinic duties during his tenure in close partnership with Rabbi Emeritus Geoff Huntting and his successors.

“Whether I am teaching cantillation, synagogue ritual practice, prayer book Hebrew or many other areas of interest to our congregants, I realize that everyone’s individual needs must be addressed with completeness and thoughtfulness," Abramson said. "Teaching, community, celebrations, and crises alike, I see through a lens of care.”

Abramson received his ordination from Hebrew Union College Jewish Institute of Religion after completing a master’s degree in sacred music in 2005. He earned his first degree in theater from New York University in 1985 and has performed on stage, film, and television. He is trained in classical music as a tenor and classical guitarist. His bar/bat mitzvah training program, recitals, original synagogue music, and lecture programs on Jewish music are all a result of his eclectic background.

Temple Sinai, 4631 S. Lockwood Ridge Road, is a member of the Union for Reform Judaism. For information, visit templesinai-sarasota.org.

Submitted by Marty Katz

This article originally appeared on Sarasota Herald-Tribune: Temple Sinai announces change in synagogue’s Senior Clergy