Tennessee investigators continue search for missing girl in New Mexico

Mar. 30—Tennessee investigators say their focus is still in New Mexico as they continue to search for a missing teenage girl and her father.

Seventeen-year-old Daphne Westbrook of Chattanooga, Tenn., is still missing along with her father, John Westbrook, who is believed to have been holding her against her will since October 2019.

Although the District Attorney's Office in Chattanooga received countless tips from all over the country, officials there believe John Westbrook still may be in New Mexico.

"We know John Westbrook is likely in New Mexico and continue to focus our resources on the Santa Fe area," said Melydia Clewell, chief of staff for the Hamilton County District Attorney's Office. "He is using technology to limit the amount of information we can glean from his online footprint, so we really do need the public to help us find him."

Within the past six months, officials said, Westbrook has made multiple purchases in the Albuquerque and Santa Fe areas. He bought a tankless water heater at Home Depot and a car canopy at Harbor Freight in Santa Fe around December.

He also has made unique purchases at Albuquerque and Santa Fe Walmart stores, where he purchased a single banana and withdraw $100 in cash. Clewell said this may have been aggravating for other customers as he would do this with a bunch of bananas while purchasing each one at a time.

While Westbrook may be changing the appearance of his beard and hair, he stands 6-foot-4, Clewell said. He likely is driving an older model white and red station wagon.

"We are still working with the Tennessee investigators," said First Judicial District Attorney Mary Carmack-Altwies. "We had some promising leads, but have not located him yet."

Clewell said the District Attorney's Office in Tennessee has not received a single tip from Santa Fe and urged the public for help. Those with information were asked to contact the First Judicial District Attorney's Office at 505-428-6926 or email 1stDA
