Terre Haute City Council says no to rezoning for botox spa

Nov. 11—The Terre Haute City Council on Thursday evening voted 7-2 against a rezoning ordinance to allow a botox spa from opening in a residential neighborhood — yet owners might still run that business from the address.

The ordinance sought to rezone the building at 1930 S. Center St. from a R-1 Single Family Residence District to R-1 Planned Development, so that the owners, Grimes Investment LLC, could operate a botox center there.

The ordinance was first brought before the council in its September meeting, but councilman Todd Nation's vote moved consideration of the measure a future council meeting. Nation cited parking concerns for delaying the vote.

During a debate that lasted more than an hour, nearly a dozen interested parties argued both for and against the ordinance.

Those who lived in the neighborhood were steadfastly against a business among residential homes, calling it "a disturbing precedent," while three other speakers offered support for small businesses, saying they could enhance neighborhoods in the long run.

Council members George Azar, Amy Auler, Martha Crossen and Neil Garrison all commented that they had met the building's new owners and found them "very nice."

Azar asked the owners what they would do with the building if the measure was defeated, who responded that they would rent the place out.

Azar then noted that unruly college kids might become tenants and asked the neighborhood's residents if they would prefer that outcome to a quiet business that would only draw a handful of customers on any given day.

Auler pointed out that if the owners occupied the house, the botox clinic could still be operated there under R-1 Single Family Residence District regulations.

"Is this really what you want?" she asked. Nonetheless, she still voted against the measure.

Ultimately, the ordinance was rejected, 7-2, with the only yes votes coming from Azar and Tammy Boland.

Regardless of how the council voted, the owners can still operate a botox spa at 1930 S. Center St.

"As long as they make it owner-occupied, then they can put that business in there," Azar said. "My concern was, at least with a planned development, we knew what was going to go in there. Not that you're in favor of a business in a residential area, but it really did not stop it. And now, it can be a rental, it can be whatever they want."

He added, "My vote to allow that was really in the best interest of the neighbors. That's what I was hoping."

David Kronke can be reached at 812-231-4232 or at david.kronke@tribstar.com.