Terre Haute leaf collection begins next week

Nov. 1—The city of Terre Haute will begin leaf collection next week.

Beginning Monday, working from west to east, the city will be picking up leaves in the area of Wabash Avenue to Eighth Avenue and from North Fourth Street to North Fruitridge Avenue.

This will also include the subdivisions of Phoenix Hills and Robinwood. Collection will then continue northbound in the following weeks.

An updated leaf pickup schedule will be announced each week through the media.

You may also find the regularly updated schedule on the city website at www.terrehaute.in.gov and on "The City of Terre Haute" Facebook page. The leaf pick up schedule is weather dependent and therefore subject to change.

The city asks residents please note:

* Some crews may periodically work in other areas of the city (not on the weekly schedule) that have large accumulations of leaves in order to keep storm drains open. If you see our crews working outside the scheduled area please do not be concerned if you do not have your leaves ready. They will be back during the scheduled week.

* Once the initial pickup throughout the entire city is completed the city will make a second pass through areas with significant remaining leaves. Call 311 at that time to request a second pick-up.

* Please have your leaves raked neatly into a pile in the tree row (or city right-of-way), and not into the street. This prevents storm sewers from becoming plugged which causes streets to flood.