A Terrifying Account From A Survivor Of The Paris Concert Hall Massacre

As the world continues to grapple with the tragic events that unfolded in Paris on Friday night, stories from survivors have offered a sober reminder of the terrible violence that comes with acts of terrorism. Isobel Bowdery, who was attending a concert at the Bataclan,where 89 people were killed, sharedthis powerful postabout her terrifying experience. As of this writing, it has gotten nearly 1 million likes and over 370,000 shares.

She describes what it was like to lie motionless as the attackers swept through the crowd with their weapons, and the horrifying moment when she thought "the boy [she] loved" was dead.

But her post also includes a message of love, solidarity and gratitude. She thanks the police who stormed the concert hall and the nameless Parisians who assisted her just after she escaped. And she commemorates her fellow concert-goers who didn't survive, and asks the world to honor their deaths: "Last night, the lives of many were forever changed and it is up to us to be better people," she writes. "To live lives that the innocent victims of this tragedy dreamt about but sadly will now never be able to fulfill. RIP angels. You will never be forgotten."

Nick Alexander, 36

Nick Alexander, a British citizen, was selling&nbsp;merchandise for the Eagles of Death Metal, the band playing at the Bataclan theater when gunmen burst in and began firing.&nbsp;<br /><br />"Nick died doing the job he loved and we take great comfort in knowing how much he was cherished by his friends around the world," his family said in a statement, <a href="http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-34821813">according to the BBC</a>.

Jean-Jacques Amiot, 68

Amiot was a <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.fr/2015/11/18/victimes-13-novembre-identification_n_8589624.html">silkscreen printer, father, grandfather</a> and fan of rock music. He died at the Bataclan.<br /><br />"He was a peaceful, gentle man," Amiot's brother Patrick told <a href="http://www.letelegramme.fr/france/oh-non-pas-lui-pas-lui-16-11-2015-10850894.php">the Telegram</a>.

Armelle Pumir Anticevic, 46

Anticevic was a print production manager at Logic Design&nbsp;marketing agency in Paris. Her <a href="http://www.lindependant.fr/2015/11/15/l-angoisse-a-ille-sur-tet-sur-le-sort-d-une-fidele-du-village-disparue-dans-l-attaque-du-bataclan,2114278.php">death at the Bataclan</a> was confirmed by her firm which said, in a memorial post on their website, she <a href="http://www.logic-design.eu/en/uncategorized/disparition-de-notre-collaboratrice-armelle-pumir/">"embodied strength and happiness."</a><br /><br />She is survived by her husband, Joseph, and her two children, Shana and Milan.

Ludovic Boumbas, 40

Ludovic Boumbas, a 40-year-old FedEx employee, was killed at La Belle Equipe, one of the locations attacked by the terrorist. He was at the bar celebrating a friend's birthday, according to <a href="http://www.liberation.fr/france/2015/11/15/attaques-de-paris-qui-sont-les-victimes_1413563">Liberation</a>.<br /><br />"FedEx extends our deepest sympathies to the victims and families of those touched by the tragic Paris terror attacks," the company said in a statement. "It is with great sadness that we report that we have been informed of the death of one of our French team members in the attacks. Our sincerest condolences go to his family, friends, and colleagues. FedEx will continue Paris operations to the extent possible, and we have implemented comprehensive contingency plans."

Elodie Breuil, 23

Elodie Breuil's brother, Alexis,<a href="http://time.com/4113145/paris-attacks-france-search/"> told Time that his sister was at the Eagles of Death Metal concert</a> when the gunmen attacked. Time reported on how her family spent anguished hours trying to find her before finding out she was dead. She was among those killed at the Bataclan concert.<br /><br />Alexis said Elodie, a design student at Paris art and design school Ecole de Cond&eacute;&nbsp;Paris, had marched with their mother in a rally following the Charlie Hebdo attacks. &ldquo;They did it to show their support,&rdquo; he said.<br /><br />After finding out his sister had been killed, Alexis told Time's Jay Newton-Small, "All you can do is inform the world about these horrible things that we do to ourselves."<br /><br />Ecole de Cond&eacute;&nbsp;Paris posted a memorial to Breuil on their <a href="https://www.facebook.com/conde.nice/posts/824972984268044">Facebook page</a> saying she was a second-year student in Product Design.

Nicolas Catinat, 37

Catinat, a carpenter, died at the Bataclan, reportedly while trying to <a href="http://www.linfo.re/france/faits-divers/681015-nicolas-37-ans-est-mort-en-protegeant-ses-amis">protect his friends</a> during the attack.<br /><br />His death was announced by the deputy mayor of Domont, <a href="http://www.leparisien.fr/val-d-oise-95/domont-stephane-catinat-a-perdu-la-vie-en-heros-au-bataclan-15-11-2015-5279201.php">Catinat's home town.</a>

Ciprian Calciu, 32, and Mariana Lacramioara Pop, 29

The couple, who were from Romania, were celebrating a birthday at the Belle Equipe on Friday night when it was attacked, the Telegraph <a href="http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/france/11996771/Paris-terror-attacks-rechercheParis-the-victims-stories-in-pictures.html?frame=3502034">reported</a>. <br /><br />They reportedly had <a href="http://www.evz.ro/doi-cetateni-romani-se-afla-printre-cele-128-de-victime-ale-atacurilor-din-franta.html">one young son together</a>, and Pop also had a daughter from a previous relationship.<br /><br />"I'm so glad they didn't take their son that night," Calciu's cousin,&nbsp;Ancuta Iuliana Calciu, <a href="http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2015/11/18/us/ap-paris-attacks-the-victims.html">told AP</a>.<br /><br />At the gate of the Pop family home, flowers and candles were placed in memorial of her.

Marie-Aimée Dalloz, 35

Dalloz, a <a href="http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-34821813">mother</a>, employed by&nbsp;finance company&nbsp;<a href="http://www.mediapart.fr/journal/france/181115/la-liste-des-victimes-des-attentats-du-13-novembre">Amundi</a>, died at the Belle Equipe cafe.

Matthieu de Rorthais, 32

de Rorthais, a <a href="http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-34821813">cancer survivor</a> and avid music fan, died at the Bataclan.
de Rorthais, a cancer survivor and avid music fan, died at the Bataclan.

Asta Diakite

Asta Diakite's&nbsp;cousin, soccer player Lassana Diarra, eulogized her&nbsp;<a href="https://twitter.com/Lass_Officiel/status/665581410405715968?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">on Twitter</a>:<br /><br />"I was personally touched by the attacks. My cousin, Asta Diakite, was among the victims of the shootings yesterday, like hundreds of other innocent French people,&rdquo; he&nbsp;wrote.&nbsp;&ldquo;In this climate of terror, it is important for us all, who are representatives of our countries and of their diversity, to speak out and stay united in the face of a horror that has neither color nor religion."

Guillaume Decherf, 43

Guillaume Decherf was a reporter&nbsp;for the magazine Les InRocks, where he was a culture and music writer. He recently penned a piece about the&nbsp;Eagles of Death Metal&rsquo;s latest album, "Zipper Down," <a href="http://www.lesinrocks.com/2015/11/14/actualite/guillaume-b-decherf-a-ete-tue-hier-au-bataclan-11787998/">according to the publication</a>. The band was playing at the Bataclan on Friday night when gunmen opened fire.<br /><br />Decherf leaves behind two daughters.<br /><br />In response to news of his death, his editors wrote, &ldquo;The newspaper is shocked by his death. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and loved ones.&rdquo;<br /><br />(<a href="http://www.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeednews/here-are-the-victims-of-the-paris-attacks#.iyKvxZzpp">via BuzzFeed</a>)

Lucie Dietrich, 35

<a href="http://www.nytimes.com/live/paris-attacks-live-updates/creating-beauty-to-mourn-a-loss/">According to The New York Times,</a> Dietrich, a graphic designer living in Paris, was walking down the Rue de la Fontaine au Roi with her boyfriend when&nbsp;she was shot and killed by an extremist driving by in a car. The Deitrich family, who confirmed the death to the Times, did not know the condition of her boyfriend.&nbsp;<br /><br />Lucie's brother, a watchmaker, announced on Facebook that he would be creating <a href="https://www.facebook.com/dietrich1969/photos/a.411027329000915.1073741830.411010545669260/643925109044468/?type=3">13 unique timepieces</a> for family and close friends in memory of her.

Romain Dunet, 28

Dunet, an English teacher at a Paris high school, was killed at the Bataclan on the night of the attacks, the <a href="http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/stories-died-paris-attacks-35297765">AP reported</a>.<br /><br />He was also a musician, playing in Paris bars going by the name <a href="https://twitter.com/chick_maurice/status/665594861630808064">Romain Dunay</a>. His sister, Clotilde, told the Otago Daily Times that he was a <a href="http://www.odt.co.nz/tags/paris/363611/tributes-paris-former-dunedin-teacher">''crazy young boy who embraced life to the fullest."</a>

Aurélie de Peretti, 33

Aur&eacute;lie De Peretti's family spoke to The New York Times and confirmed she was killed during the attacks. Her sister said Aur&eacute;lie <a href="http://www.nytimes.com/2015/11/15/nyregion/music-critic-lawyer-and-us-student-are-among-victims-in-paris-attacks.html">loved to draw</a> and had a vast appreciation for music. She also said the family hasn't been able to see her sister's body since the attacks.<br /><br /> &ldquo;My only concern right now is to be able to bring back her body and bring her with us to the south of France,&rdquo; she said.<br /><br />According to a press release from Reporters Without Borders, De Peretti was one of Jean-Marie de Peretti's daughters, a "longstanding member" of the reporter group and a close friend.&nbsp;<br /><br />"Even the most powerful words are inadequate," <a href="http://en.rsf.org/france-rsf-tribute-to-anna-and-aurelie-16-11-2015,48529.html">the group said in tribute</a> to de Peretti and Anna P&eacute;tard Lieffrig, another victim of the attacks who worked for the organization in 2013. "But please be aware that we share your deep sorrow."

Salah Emad el-Gebaly, 28

el-Gebaly, killed at the Bataclan theater, was <a href="http://english.ahram.org.eg/NewsContent/1/64/168770/Egypt/Politics-/Two-Egyptians-confirmed-dead-in-Paris-attacks.aspx">one of two Egyptian nationals</a> who died&nbsp;during the Paris attacks, Cairo's consulate in Paris confirmed <a href="http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/11/18/us-france-shooting-muslims-idUSKCN0T72P220151118#ley7B4y7PJ1w9oAh.97">to Reuters</a>.<br />

Germain Ferey, 36

Ferey was at the Bataclan when he was killed, <a href="http://www.normandie-actu.fr/attentats-les-victimes-de-lhorreur-en-normandie-germain-de-bayeux-tue_167168/">according to Normandie Actu</a>. He attended the club with his girlfriend.&nbsp;

Romain Feuillade, 31

Feuillade was among those killed at the Belle Equipe bar, according to <a href="http://www.ledauphine.com/savoie/2015/11/16/un-registre-de-condoleances-pour-romain-feuillade?utm_source=twitterfeed&amp;utm_medium=twitter">a condolences book</a> for Feuillade in the city hall of Gilly-sur-Is&egrave;re, Feuillade's home town, in the Savoie region of France.

Mayeul Gaubert, 30

Gaubert was a lawyer who focused primarily on intellectual property issues, <a href="http://bigstory.ap.org/article/7da8ceb1ca4a4913aea898ed28a1e479/stories-those-who-died-paris-attacks">the AP reported</a>. He was wounded at the Bataclan and later succumbed to his injuries.&nbsp;<br /><br />Law student group Jurivision posted a tribute to Gaubert on their <a href="http://www.jurivision.com/hommage-a-mayeul-gaubert-victime-des-attentats-du-13-novembre-2015/">website</a> saying he&nbsp;was "above all a quick-witted young man, joyful and kind."

Véronique Geoffroy de Bourgies, 54

Geoffroy de Bourgies was a former model, the founding president of the Zazakely Sambatra charity, and a former journalist with Madame Figaro and Vogue Homme, according to <a href="http://mobile.lemonde.fr/attaques-a-paris/article/2015/11/15/guillaume-quentin-marie-les-victimes-des-attentats-du-13-novembre_4810428_4809495.html?xtref=acc_dir">Le Monde.</a><br /><br />Sophie Carquain, a former colleague of Geoffroy de Bourgies, wrote a moving tribute to her friend <a href="http://madame.lefigaro.fr/societe/adieu-veronique-151115-109634">at Madame Figaro</a>.