'Terror Squad' now underway

Oct. 12—The London-Laurel Rescue Squad is continuing their tradition of hosting a haunted house fundraiser.

While the "Terror Squad" aims to be as scary as possible, it is still family friendly. Children under five years old may need to feel extra brave to make it all the way through.

"Over the 11 years I have been doing this, I have seen younger children breeze right through and large, grown men be legitimately scared," Lieutenant Nathan Kirby said.

Tickets are $15 per adult and $10 for kids 12 and under. A "Fast Pass" will be a $30 option that puts someone at the front of the line so they can't skip waiting. The squad plans to open every Friday and Saturday night at 8 p.m. at their building right behind the London city fire department. The address is 913 Fire Rescue Drive.

Lt. Kirby noted the haunted house has been our biggest fundraiser for over 25 years and helps to pay for equipment and training used in emergencies.

"We really depend on this to be a success to be able to continue providing quality emergency services with modern equipment," he stated. "Last year had a successful turnout and we hope that this year will be even better."