Teutopolis to modify solar energy, swimming pool regulations

Oct. 7—Members of the Teutopolis village board this week continued their discussion of regulating swimming pools and solar energy.

Some residents voiced concerns at the board's previous meeting about some of the regulations, fearing they might be overly restrictive.

Upon reviewing the ordinances and hearing public feedback, the board agreed to make certain modifications.

The board considered feedback from residents, including Sonne Energy Solutions Co-founder Tony Martin, who suggested the board consider adopting an ordinance that is based on the International Fire Code. The International Fire Code sets the minimum fire safety standards a structure must meet.

"I've been in the industry close to 15 years," Martin said. "I've worked with a lot of jurisdictions, municipalities as far as codes within the solar industry. I feel like a good rule of thumb to go by as far as ordinances is the international fire code."

Instead of setting a general limit on the distance between each panel, the type of ordinance Martin is proposing would consider the size of roof and the percentage of solar panels covering that roof when deciding what distance between panels is required.

"What they take into account is how much roof space is up there," Martin said.

If the board adopted this regulation, roofs with lower percentages of solar panels covering them would require less distance between them while those with a higher percentage would require more distance.

Martin also suggested that the ordinance require solar energy systems to include a rapid shutdown option, which Trustee Daniel Zerrusen pointed out was not included in their current ordinance.

"Basically, if the power goes out, all the energy from the roof down to the panel is shut off, so if anybody is cutting through those lines, you're good with that," Martin said.

Zerrusen suggested removing a fencing requirement for hot tubs from the ordinance because they already include covers. He also asked the board to consider reducing the height requirement for fences surrounding swimming pools.

"I would still like to see the height dropped from 48-42. I still don't feel we need a fence in a yard for a hot tub," Zerrusen said.

Additionally, Trustee Jane Summers recommended a requirement for a latching or lockable gate in the swimming pool ordinance.

The board will put together to redraft the swimming pool ordinance as they continue to add and remove certain regulations and specifics.

"There's a few details we need to hammer out. Obviously I think the board is in favor of allowing pool covers, we just need to make sure what pool cover that we're alright with," Trustee Dave Tegeler said. "I would suggest the committee sit down and work out the small details of the time frame, when they have to be compliant, things like that."

The board hopes to have a modified swimming pool ordinance ready by December, but they are also working to pass a solar ordinance as soon as possible because the village currently has nothing in place.

In another matter, the board discussed short term vacation rentals or Airbnbs in the village.

The village is considering whether it will allow larger management companies purchase properties in the area.

Nick Taylor can be reached at


dailynews.com or at 618-510-9226 or 217-347-7151 ext. 300132.