In Texas, here are the pests and bugs you need to worry about in the winter months

The mild winters of Texas make it an ideal climate for many different rodents and bugs to thrive. The pests don’t hibernate until the spring like they do in most cold northern states, so they will make themselves at home in your home.

Here are some of the bugs and rodents that will make themselves cozy in your home this fall and winter, according to Life After Bugs, a Houston area pest control company.

Mice and rats

Rodents, including mice and rats, are the biggest pest problem for Texans in the colder months. They’re more likely to make their way into your home during the winter, looking for warmth and food. You might start to notice food packages or bread with tiny holes that the vermin have gnawed at, or you could find tiny black droppings on your counters or floors. The best way to avoid these critters is by sealing up any potential openings to your home.

Fire ants

Texas-sized fire ants are a nuisance to residents, capable of causing very painful bites when disturbed. Large mounds around your yard when disturbed can cause the pests to spread, so they may come into your home. If you have a fire ant infestation, the ants can end up all over your home, in your closets and even in your bedding. You can prevent ant invasions by blocking off entry points.


If you have pets, you’re more likely to end up with fleas in your home. When your dog or cat goes outside, the fleas will jump on their warm body, then the fleas are in your house. Even if you can’t see the fleas, you’ll know they are present because they tend to reproduce in bedding and furniture. It’s important to treat your pet, get rid of all the flea eggs and treat the areas outside your home to prevent the problem from happening again.


Everything is bigger in Texas, including the cockroaches, which are known to trigger asthma and allergies and spread bacteria and diseases. Cockroaches tend to seek shelter indoors during the winter months, as they cannot survive below 15 degrees. The roaches can be brought into the home when you bring in firewood to use in your fireplace. These bugs can look for holes in your screens and even come in through your chimney. They normally hide in dark places like basements or crawl spaces. Texans can help prevent cockroaches in their home by keeping food stored in airtight containers and routinely inspecting for signs of an infestation.

Cold weather pest prevention

Pest-proof your home for this winter season to prevent an infestation. Here are some pest control tips from Coastal Spray, a Texas-based industrial grounds maintenance company:

  • Use door sweeps and weather stripping

  • Seal exterior gaps, cracks and holes

  • Thoroughly inspect all deliveries for signs of pests

  • Install tight-fitting screens on pipes and vents

  • Remove leftover food

  • If you get a winter pest infestation in your home, contact a professional pest control company.