Take A Moment To Appreciate These Dresses Made Entirely From Condoms


[Photo: SERVE]

When it comes to a lot of things, including your prom dress, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

No one wants to look back on their prom photos and shudder with horror at the lilac meringue dress that seemed like such a good idea at the time.

Those sentiments have been taken a step further in two formal-wear shops in Omaha, Nebraska. Seamstresses have made several dresses are real headturners - and, dare we say, slightly stylish?

We’re hesitant to brand them as chic because they’re actually made entirely out of condoms.


[Photo: Get Checked Omaha/ Facebook]

They’re not completely wacky - there’s a deeper meaning to the, erm, unusual designs.

The condom creations feature price tags that read, “being safe is always in style”, and are part of an STD awareness campaign from the Adolescent Health Project, situated in Omaha.

Brace yourself ladies, but sadly you can’t actually wear the condom couture collection. The dresses have been fashioned to get teenagers and their parents chatting about safe sex, while they shop for their actual prom frock.


[Photo: Adolescent Health Project]

A new dress will be on display each week and the unexpected and creative campaign should be very succ-sex-ful way to breach the topic of safe sex with teens.


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